

词汇 bump
bump | BrE bʌmp, AmE bəmp | A. intransitive verb (knock) zhuàng to bump into sth/sb; 撞上某物/某人 to bump against sth; 撞上某物 (move jerkily) 颠簸行进 diānbǒ xíngjìn to bump along/over sth; 沿/在某处颠簸行进 B. transitive verb (knock) 使碰撞 shǐ pèngzhuàng to bump sth against or on sth; 使…碰上某物 part of the body, objectto bump one's head on sth; 头撞到某物上 (collide with) 撞上 zhuàngshang the two cars/boats bumped each other 两辆车/两艘船相撞了 C. noun (jolt) 碰撞 pèngzhuàng a violent bump 猛烈的撞击 (sound of fall) 碰撞声 pèngzhuàng shēng the book fell to the ground with a bump 书咚的一声掉在地上 (lump on body) 肿块 zhǒngkuài bumps on one's head 头上起的包 (lump on road surface) 隆起 lóngqǐ a road with a lot of bumps in it 凹凸不平的路 D. adverb 砰的一声 pēng de yīshēng to go bump; 砰的一声碰撞 the car went bump into the tree 汽车砰的一声撞在树上 things that go bump in the night 夜间稀奇古怪的响声 PHRASAL VERBS bump into: transitive verb [bump into sb] informal 碰见 pèngjiàn bump off transitive verb [bump sb off, bump off sb] informal 结束…的性命 jiéshù… de xìngmìng bump up transitive verb [bump up sth, bump sth up] informal (increase) 使…猛增 shǐ… měng zēng salaries, pricesto bump sth up (from …) to …; 使某物(从…)猛增到… informal (exaggerate) 夸大 kuādà statistics, sales




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