

词汇 burn out
burn out A. intransitive verb (stop burning) «fire, candle» 熄灭 xīmiè (stop working) «fuse, motor, light bulb» 烧坏 shāohuài B. transitive verb [burn sth out, burn out sth] (make unserviceable) 烧坏 shāohuài clutch, engine, motor[burn sth out, burn out sth] (destroy) 烧毁 shāohuǐ car, building[burn sb out, burn out sb] (force out) «person» 放火驱出 fànghuǒ qūchū ; «fire» 烧毁…的家 shāohuǐ… de jiā we burnt the enemy troops out of their shelter 我们放火把敌军逼出了掩体 burnt out of house and home 因火灾而不得不离家的 C. to burn oneself out reflexive verb (become exhausted) 筋疲力尽 jīn pí lì jìn




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