

词汇 compete
compete | BrE kəmˈpiːt, AmE kəmˈpit | intransitive verb (strive for success) 竞争 jìngzhēng to compete against or with sb for sth; 与某人竞争以获取某物 Mozart's music cannot compete with Bach's 莫扎特的音乐不能与巴赫的音乐相媲美 Business 竞争 jìngzhēng to compete for …; 为…竞争 profits, custom, contract, market shareto compete against or with …; 与…竞争 (mainly Sport) 比赛 bǐsài to compete in sth; 参加某比赛 to compete against or with sth/sb; 与某队伍/某人比赛 to compete for a place/medal/prize 为赢得资格/奖牌/奖品而参赛 figurative (conflict) «tastes» 串味 chuànwèi ; «sounds» 混杂 hùnzá the smell of fish competed with petrol and cigarette smoke 鱼的味道里掺杂着汽油和香烟味




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