

词汇 concession
concession | BrE kənˈsɛʃ(ə)n, AmE kənˈsɛʃən | noun countable (compromise) 让步 ràngbù to make a concession to sth; 对某事作出让步 she made no concessions to his age 她丝毫不体谅他的年龄 to make concessions to sb 向某人让步 to win a concession from sb 赢得某人的让步 uncountable (yielding) 让与 ràngyǔ the concession of their rights to the colonists 他们的权利向殖民者的让与 countable British (discount) 折扣 zhékòu a tax/travel concession 税收/旅行优惠 countable (property rights) 特许权 tèxǔquán an oil concession 石油开采特许权 countable (sales area) 销售场地 xiāoshòu chǎngdì to run a perfume concession 经营一家香水店 countable (marketing rights) 特许经营权 tèxǔ jīngyíngquán




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