

词汇 bear
bear1 | BrE bɛː, AmE bɛr | past tense bore past participle borne A. transitive verb (carry) 承载 chéngzài he bore a tray of food into the room 他托着一盘食物进了房间 the seeds are borne on the wind 种子随风飘散 (bring) 携带 xiédài flowers, food, message (be marked with) 带有…的印记 dàiyǒu… de yìnjì to bear one's signature 有某人的签名 he still bears the scars (physical) 他身上还留有伤疤 (mental) 他仍留有痛苦的回忆 (have) 具有 jùyǒu to bear a resemblance to sb/sth 与某人/某事物相似 to bear no relation to sb/sth 与某人/某事物不相干 to bear no comparison with sb/sth 比不上某人/某事物 (be called by) 拥有 yōngyǒu titlethe machine bears his name 那种机器以他的名字命名 (support) 承受 chéngshòu load, weight; 承受…的重量 chéngshòu… de zhòngliàng person (accept) 承担 chéngdān cost, blameto bear one's responsibilities lightly 举重若轻 (endure, tolerate) 忍受 rěnshòu pain, hardshipto be more than sb can bear 令某人难以容忍 she can't bear the smell of paint/to see them suffer 她受不了油漆味儿/不忍心看到他们受苦 (stand up to) 经得起 jīngdeqǐ scrutiny, inspectionto not bear close examination 经不起推敲 the jokes don't bear repetition 这些笑话说第二遍就没意思了 the consequences don't bear thinking about 后果不堪设想 (yield) jiē fruit; kāi blossom; 长出 zhǎngchū crops (generate) «account, investment» 产生 chǎnshēng interest; «effort, attempt» 取得 qǔdé resultan account that bears no interest 无息账户 (feel) 心怀 xīnhuái to bear no hatred towards sb 不恨某人 to bear sb ill will 对某人有恶意 formal (give birth to) shēng youngto bear sb a child 为某人生孩子 born AB. intransitive verb (move) «person, vehicle» 行进 xíngjìn ; «road, track» 延伸 yánshēn bear (to the) left 向左拐 (be directed) to bring sth to bear (on sb/sth) literal 把某物对准(某人/某物) figurative 把某事物用于(某人/某事物) bǎ mǒu shìwù yòngyú(mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù) to bring all one's energies to bear on sth 全力以赴做某事 C. to bear oneself reflexive verb to bear oneself proudly/with dignity; 昂首阔步/举止庄重 áng shǒu kuò bù/jǔzhǐ zhuāngzhòng PHRASAL VERBS bear along transitive verb [bear sb/sth along, bear along sb/sth] (carry) 运送 yùnsòng to be borne along by the tide 随潮水漂走 figurative (excite) 刺激 cìjī to be borne along by one's enthusiasm 被激情冲昏头脑 bear away: A. transitive verb [bear sb/sth away, bear away sb/sth] 带走 dàizǒu B. intransitive verb Nautical 改变航向顺风行驶 gǎibiàn hángxiàng shùnfēng xíngshǐ bear down intransitive verb (press) «person, load» 向下压 xiàng xià yā to bear down on sb/sth; 压住某人/某物 (in childbirth) «woman» 用力 yònglì bear down on, bear down upon transitive verb [bear down on or upon sb/sth] 冲向 chōngxiàng the hounds bore down on the helpless fox 猎犬扑向无助的狐狸 bear in on, bear in upon: transitive verb to be borne in on or upon sb; 被某人认识到 bèi mǒu rén rènshi dào the truth was gradually borne in on or upon them 他们逐渐了解到真相 bear off [bear sb/sth off, bearoff sb/sth] transitive verb (transport away) 带走 dàizǒu Nautical 驶离 shǐlí bear on transitive verb [bear on sb/sth] (be relevant to) «fact, decision, story» 和…有关 hé… yǒuguān factors bearing directly on the outcome 直接影响结果的那些因素 (be burden on) to bear hard or heavily on sb/sth; «law, price increase» 给某人/某机构带来沉重负担 gěi mǒu rén/mǒu jīgòu dàilái chénzhòng fùdān to bear heavily on sb's conscience 使某人倍感愧疚 shǐ mǒu rén bèi gǎn kuìjiù bear out: transitive verb [bear sb/sth out, bear out sb/sth] 为…作证 wèi… zuòzhèng I think you will bear me out on this 我想在这一点上你会为我作证 bear up intransitive verb (cope) 保持振作 bǎochí zhènzuò to bear up under or against sth; 经受得住 shock, misfortune(support weight) «bridge, branch» 支撑住 zhīchēng zhù will the ice bear up under our weight? 冰能承受得住我们的重量吗? bear upon transitive verb = bear onbear with: transitive verb [bear with sb/sth] 耐心对待 nàixīn duìdài please bear with me for a minute 请耐心听我说两句 if you bear with it, … 如果你有耐心的话,…




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