词汇 | beat |
释义 | beat | BrE biːt, AmE bit | A. transitive verb past tense beat past participle beaten ① (strike) 击打 ‹person, animal›▸ to beat sb/sth to death 打死某人/某动物 ▸ to beat sb into submission 打得某人屈服 ▸ to beat sb black and blue 把某人打得鼻青脸肿 ▸ to beat a bit of respect into sb 迫使某人学会对人尊重一点 ▸ to beat grammar into sb's head 给某人灌输语法知识 ② (strike with tool, part of body) 锤打 ‹metal›; 拍打 ‹carpet›; 敲打 ‹door›; «bird, animal» 拍打 ‹air, ground›▸ to beat sth into shape 把某物打造成型 ③ (cause to strike) 用…打 ▸ he beat his fists against the door 他用拳头砸门 ④ Music (produce sound on) 敲 ‹drum, gong›⑤ Music (indicate rhythm) 打 ‹rhythm›▸ to beat time (with sth) (用某物)打拍子 ⑥ Military «drummer» 敲奏出 ‹tattoo, signal›→ retreat A1, A2⑦ (mix vigorously) 快速搅拌 ‹cream, mixture›▸ beat the eggs 打蛋 ▸ to beat sth into sth; 将某物搅拌入某物 ⑧ Hunting [为惊起猎物而] 拍打 ‹undergrowth›⑨ (create route by walking) 踏出 ‹path›→ path 1⑩ (make way by removing obstacles) 辟出 ▸ to beat a path through the jungle 在丛林中开出一条路 ▸ to beat one's way through the onlookers 从旁观的人群中挤过去 ⑪ ▸ to beat it informal (leave quickly) 走开 ▸ we decided to beat it 我们决定溜之大吉 ⑫ (flap) 拍打 ▸ the bird/insect beat its wings 鸟/昆虫拍动翅膀 ⑬ (defeat) 打败 ‹opponent, team, army›▸ to be beaten at sth 输掉某事 ▸ if you can't beat 'em, join 'em proverb humorous 打不赢,就投靠 ⑭ (overcome) 解决…问题 ‹unemployment, child abuse, inflation›; 战胜 ‹illness›▸ to beat heroin addiction 戒掉海洛因毒瘾 ⑮ (do or be better than) 超过 ‹target, score›▸ to beat the record 打破纪录 ▸ beat that (if you can)! 有本事你来试试! ▸ that beats everything! 真是绝无仅有! ▸ you can't beat Italian shoes 意大利的皮鞋无与伦比 ⑯ (baffle) «problem, puzzle» 难倒 ‹person›▸ a mystery that beats even the experts 连专家都解不开的谜 ▸ to have sb beat informal or beaten 难住某人 ▸ why did he leave? — beats me informal 他为什么离开了?──我说不上来 ⑰ US informal (be acquitted of) 逃避 ‹rap, charge›⑱ (arrive before) 抢先 ▸ he beat me to the door 他抢在我之前到了门口 ▸ to beat sb to the altar 比某人早结婚 ▸ to beat sb to it 比某人抢先一步 ⑲ (avoid) 避免 ▸ to beat the rush hour 避开交通高峰时段 B. intransitive verb past tense beat past participle beaten ① ▸ (collide) to beat against/on sth; «waves» 拍打 ‹shore, cliff› «rain» 击打 ‹window, face›② ▸ (strike repeatedly) to beat at or on sth; 接连击打 ‹door› 接连扑打 ‹flames›③ Physiology «heart, pulse» 跳动 ④ (make sound) «drum» 敲响 ▸ drums beating in the distance 远处的鼓声 ⑤ (flap) «wings» 扑扇 ⑥ Hunting [为惊起猎物而] 拍打树丛等 ⑦ Nautical «person, boat» 以“之”字形抢风航行 ▸ to beat to windward 抢上风航行 C. noun ① (hitting sound) 敲击声 ▸ the beat of the drums 鼓声 ② Music (rhythm) 节奏 ; (in bar) 节拍 ▸ to follow or keep to the beat 跟上节奏 ③ (in poetry) 强音 ④ (of heart, pulse) 跳动 ▸ sb's heart misses or skips a beat 某人的心里咯噔一下 ⑤ Physics 拍音 ⑥ (in policing) (area) 辖区 ; (route) 巡逻路线 ▸ a policeman on the beat 巡警 ⑦ (area or route worked) 负责区域 ▸ the journalist's beat 记者的采访区域 ⑧ (field of interest) 专长 ▸ to be off sb's beat 非某人本行 D. adjective predicative informal 筋疲力尽的 ▸ I'm (dead) beat 我累垮了 PHRASAL VERBS beat back: transitive verb [beat sb/sth back, beat back sb/sth] 击退 ‹person›; 压住 ‹flames›beat down A. intransitive verb ① (fall) «rain» 倾泻 ; «hail» 猛地砸落 ② ▸ (shine) to beat down on sb/sth; «sun» 强烈照射某人/某物 B. [beat sth down, beat down sth] transitive verb ① (flatten) «wind» 吹倒 ‹crops, grass›; «rain» 冲倒 ‹crops, grass›② (knock down) 砸开 ‹door›C. [beat sb/sth down, beat down sb/sth] transitive verb (force to reduce price) «buyer» 使…降价 ‹seller›; «buyer» 压低 ‹price›beat in: transitive verb [beat sth in, beat in sth] 砸破 ‹head, door, box›beat off: transitive verb [beat off sb/sth, beat sb/sth off] 击退 ‹attacker, attack›; 赶走 ‹insect›beat out A. transitive verb [beat sth out, beat out sth] ① (flatten) 锤平 ‹metal›▸ the gold was beaten out into thin sheets 金子被锤打成金箔 ② (remove) 敲平 ‹dent, lump›; 拍落 ‹dust, dirt›▸ to beat sth out of sth; 把某物从某物上拍落下来 ▸ to beat the shit vulgar slang or crap vulgar slang or hell informal out of sb 痛打某人 → daylight B③ (put stop to) 遏止 ‹behaviour›; 消除 ‹habit, attitude›④ (extinguish) 扑灭 ‹flames›⑤ (produce) «person, drum» 敲奏出 ‹rhythm, tune›B. transitive verb ▸ to beat sth out of sb (extract) 逼迫某人说出 ‹truth, confession›beat up: transitive verb informal ① [beat sb up, beat up sb] (assault) 痛打 ② (mainly US) ▸ (blame) to beat oneself up about or over sth; 因某事而自责 |
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