

词汇 chorus
chorus | BrE ˈkɔːrəs, AmE ˈkɔrəs | A. noun plural choruses (supporting singers) 合唱队 héchàngduì ; (dancers, actors, etc.) 歌舞队 gēwǔduì (piece of music) 合唱曲 héchàngqǔ (in opera, oratorio) 合唱部分 héchàng bùfen (refrain) 副歌 fùgē to join in the chorus «one person» 跟着唱副歌 «several people» 齐唱副歌 qí chàng fùgē (simultaneous utterance) 异口同声 yì kǒu tóng shēng the usual chorus of protest 惯常的一片抗议声 in chorus 一齐 plus singular verb Theatre [古希腊戏剧中解释剧情的] 歌队 gēduì B. transitive verb 齐声说 qíshēng shuō the crowd chorused their discontent 人群齐声表示不满




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