

词汇 circle
circle | BrE ˈsəːk(ə)l, AmE ˈsərk(ə)l | A. noun (geometrical shape) yuán to square the circle 作与圆面积相等的正方形 figurative 做不可能的事 zuò bù kěnéng de shì (sth with circular outline) 环状物 huánzhuàngwù a circle of stones 一圈石头 to stand in a circle 站成一圈 a circle of mountain peaks could be seen above the clouds 可以看到山峰环绕,高耸入云 (round flat object) 圆形物 yuánxíngwù to cut out two circles of paper 剪出两个圆纸片 (circular movement) 环形运动 huánxíng yùndòng to move/fly in a circle 转圈/盘旋 to go round or around in circles 在原地兜圈子 figurative 徒劳无功 túláo wú gōng to come full circle «person, situation» 兜了个圈子回到原处 circles plural (under eyes) 黑眼圈 hēiyǎnquān British Cinema, Theatre 弧形楼座 húxíng lóuzuò (group) 圈子 quānzi have a large circle of friends 交游甚广 in theatrical circles 在戏剧界 to move in fashionable circles 出入时尚界 B. transitive verb (move around) 环绕…转圈 huánrào… zhuànquān the moon circles the earth every 28 days 月球每28天绕地球一周 the plane circled the airport before landing 飞机降落前在机场上空盘旋 (completely surround) 围绕 wéirào a town circled by hills 群山环绕的城镇 (draw ring around) 围绕…画圈 wéirào… huà quān the spelling mistakes are circled in red ink 拼写错误用红笔圈出 C. intransitive verb «bird, plane» 盘旋 pánxuán ; «vehicle, rider, animal» 转圈 zhuànquān to circle around or about sb/sth; 绕某人/某物转圈 to circle over or above sb/sth; 在某人/某物上空盘旋




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