

词汇 circuit
circuit | BrE ˈsəːkɪt, AmE ˈsərkət | noun Electricity 电路 diànlù to complete/break the circuit 接通/断开电路 (lap) 环行 huánxíng to do 15 circuits of the track 绕跑道15圈 (for motor racing, horse racing) [田径场的] 跑道 pǎodào ; (for athletics) 环道 huándào (round trip) 巡游 xúnyóu (regular round) 巡回活动 xúnhuí huódòng ; (of shows) 巡回表演 xúnhuí biǎoyǎn ; (of sports events) 巡回比赛 xúnhuí bǐsài to earn one's living on the lecture circuit 靠巡回讲学谋生 the cabaret/tennis circuit 卡巴莱歌舞巡回演出/网球巡回赛 Law (journey) 巡回审判 xúnhuí shěnpàn to be on the circuit 在进行巡回审判 Law (district) 巡回审判区 xúnhuí shěnpànqū




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