

词汇 circulate
circulate | BrE ˈsəːkjʊleɪt, AmE ˈsərkjəˌleɪt | A. intransitive verb (flow) «blood» 循环 xúnhuán ; «air» 流通 liútōng ; «liquid» 环流 huánliú (spread) «news, information» 传播 chuánbō ; «rumour» 流传 liúchuán ; «newspaper» 发行 fāxíng ; «goods» 易手 yìshǒu (mingle) «host, guest» 四处应酬 sìchù yìngchou B. transitive verb (spread) 散布 sànbù rumour; 传播 chuánbō news, information; (publish) 发行 fāxíng newspaper; (distribute) 行销 xíngxiāo goodsto circulate sth among …; 在…中间散布某消息 to circulate sth somewhere; 把某消息传送到某处 (send out) 散发 sànfā documents; (send copies to) 向…分发 xiàng… fēnfā members, branchesthe report was circulated to the members 报告分发给了各位成员 (pass around) 传看 chuánkàn photograph; 传递 chuándì bottle; 传送 chuánsòng correspondence




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