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词汇 cut
cut | BrE kʌt, AmE kət | A. transitive verb present participle cutting past tense, past participle cut (slice) «knife» qiē bread; «scissors» jiǎn paper; «mower» grass; «axe» kǎn ; «saw» to cut sth open, to cut open sth 剪开 bag 锯开 jùkāi boxto cut sth from sth; 从某物上切下某物 to cut sth into pieces/slices 把某物切成小块/小片 to cut sth to shreds literal 把某物切成碎片 figurative 彻底摧毁某物 chèdǐ cuīhuǐ mǒu wù the boat was cut in half or two by the tanker 小船被油轮撞成了两截 to cut one's ties or links with sb/sth 断绝与某人/某事物的联系 (carve out) 挖出 wāchū tunnel; «scissors» 剪出 jiǎnchū hole; «axe» 砍出 kǎnchū opening; 刻出 kèchū inscriptionto cut one's way through the jungle 在丛林中开辟出一条路来 (accidentally wound) 划破 huápò ; (deliberately wound) 割破 gēpò ; figurative «wind, remark» 刺痛 cìtòng personouch! I've cut myself 哎哟!我把自己割伤了 to cut oneself/sb on sth; 被某物划伤/某人被某物划伤 to cut one's finger/leg open on a branch; 手指/腿被树枝划出很深的口子 to cut sb/sth open Medicine 切开 person, part of body (trim) hair; 修剪 xiūjiǎn nails, hedge (shape) 雕刻 diāokè statue, wood; 雕琢 diāozhuó jewel, glass; 裁剪 cáijiǎn paper, pattern, clothes; pèi keyto cut sth from sth; (using scissors) 从某物上剪下某物 (using knife) 在某物中雕出某物 to cut sth into sth; (using scissors) 把某物剪成某物 (using knife) 把某物雕成某物 to cut sth to shape/size (using scissors) 把某物剪成形/剪成合适的大小 (using knife) 把某物雕成形/雕成合适的大小 to cut sth/sb free or loose (from sth) (liberate) 使某物/某人(摆脱某物)获得自由 shǐ mǒu wù/mǒu rén(bǎituō mǒu wù)huòdé zìyóu to cut sb (free) from the wreckage; 从废墟中把某人解救出来 (reduce) (general) 减少 jiǎnshǎo ; Business, Economics 削减 xuējiǎn to cut sth by sth; 将某物减少某数量 to cut prices/taxes 减价/减税 to cut expenditure 削减开支 (abridge) 删节 shānjié book, film; (remove) 删除 shānchú scene, programmeto cut sth from sth; 从某物中删除某物 (edit) 剪辑 jiǎnjí film (record) 录制 lùzhì disc, album (interrupt, sever) 中断 zhōngduàn transmission, programme; 切断 qiēduàn route, suppliesto cut sth short, to cut short sth 中断 zhōngduàn activity, careerto cut a long story short 长话短说 to cut sb short 打断某人 informal (turn off) 关掉 guāndiào light, power, engine Computing 剪切 jiǎnqiē textto cut and paste 剪贴 (divide) 分割 fēngē the wall cut the city in two or half 城墙把这座城一分为二 (mine) coal (intersect) «line, road» 与…相交 yǔ… xiāngjiāo line, road informal (stop) 停止 tíngzhǐ to cut the formalities 免掉礼节 cut the chatter/vulgar slang crap! 别唠叨了/废话少说! informal (skip) 逃避 táobì lectureto cut class 旷课 British informal dated (ignore) 不理睬 bù lǐcǎi to cut sb dead 对某人视而不见 Games qiē deck, cards (grow) chū toothto cut one's teeth on sth figurative 获得某方面的最初经验 (dilute) 冲淡 chōngdàn wine, drugthe heroin had been cut with chalk dust 海洛因已用粉笔灰稀释了 B. intransitive verb present participle cutting past tense, past participle cut (slice) «knife» qiē ; «scissors» jiǎn ; «machine, laser» 切割 qiēgē ; «mower, razor» 修剪 xiūjiǎn ; «axe» kǎn this knife won't cut 这把刀不快 this saw doesn't cut straight 这把锯子锯不直 to cut along/around sth; 沿着/绕着某处切 to cut across sth; 横切某物 to cut both or two/several ways figurative «argument» 两方面/几方面都说得通 «outcome» 有利也有弊 yǒulì yě yǒu bì (be able to be cut) «paper, rope, fabric» 可剪切 kě jiǎnqiē ; «wood» 可砍削 kě kǎnxiāo ; «metal, stone» 可切割 kě qiēgē ; «cheese, meat» 可切 kě qiē ; «grass, hay» 可割 kě gē this bread cuts well 这种面包很容易切 (wound) «criticism, attitude» 伤人 shāngrén (move) 移动 yídòng ; (take direct route) 抄近路 chāo jìnlù to cut to the left/right 拐到左边/右边 to cut in front of sb (in queue) 插到某人前面 (in car) 抢道超某人的车 to cut through/across sth; 抄近路穿过/越过某处 informal to cut and run (flee) 撒腿就跑 sātuǐ jiù páo to cut loose US (blurt out) 破口大骂 pò kǒu dà mà (revel) 狂欢作乐 kuánghuān zuòlè Cinema, Television (stop filming) 停拍 tíngpāi cut! 停! [导演指示停止拍摄] Cinema, Television (change scene) 切换镜头 qiēhuàn jìngtóu the film scene cuts from the living room to the garden 电影场景由起居室切换至花园 Games 切牌 qiēpái to cut for sth; 切牌决定某事 C. noun (stroke, blow) qiē (trim) to give sb's hair a cut 给某人理发 gěi mǒu rén lǐfà to give sb's nails a cut 为某人修剪(finger)指甲/(toe)趾甲 wèi mǒu rén xiūjiǎn(f i n g e r )zhǐjia/(t o e )zhǐjiǎ to give the grass/hedge a cut 给草坪/树篱修剪一下 gěi cǎopíng/shùlí xiūjiǎn yīxià (opening) 切口 qiēkǒu ; (wound) 伤口 shāngkǒu to make a cut (in sth) (在某物上)开一个切口 to be a cut above (sth/sb) figurative (比某物/某人)略胜一筹 Cooking (of meat) 切下来的一块 qiē xialai de yī kuài a large cut of meat 一大块肉 informal (share) 分成 fēnchéng what's my cut? 我分多少? to get or take a cut of the profits 取得一份利润 (hairstyle) 发型 fàxíng Clothing 款式 kuǎnshì the cut of the dress 连衣裙的款式 (reduction) 削减 xuējiǎn tax/pay/wage cuts 减税/减酬/减薪 a cut in sth; 某事物的减少 to make a cut (in sth) (对某物)进行削减 (interruption) 中断 zhōngduàn a power cut 停电 (edit in book, film, etc.) 删节 shānjié to make a cut (in sth) (对某物)进行删节 Cinema (version) 版本 bǎnběn Cinema, Television (change of shot) 切换 qiēhuàn a cut (from sth) to sth; (从某镜头)到某镜头的切换 Games 切牌 qiēpái D. adjective (divided into pieces) 切开的 qiēkāi de bread, fruit; 剪开的 jiǎnkāi de paper, fabric; 劈开的 pīkāi de treesfine-cut tobacco 细烟丝 (detached) 切下的 qiēxia de piece, slice; 割下的 gēxia de crop, haycut flowers 鲜切花 (injured) 割破的 gēpò de part of body (trimmed) 修剪好的 xiūjiǎn hǎo de hair, nails, grass (ground) 经雕琢的 jīng diāozhuó de diamond (shortened) 经删节的 jīng shānjié de film, version; (censored) 删去的 shānqù de scene, sentencePHRASAL VERBS cut across transitive verb [cut across sth] (take direct route through) 抄近路穿过 chāo jìnlù chuānguo fieldto cut across sb's path (in haste) 突然插到某人前面 figurative (transcend) «ideas, action» 超越 chāoyuè barrier, linesfigurative (contradict) «action, event» 与…相抵触 yǔ… xiāng dǐchù policy, status quocut at transitive verb [cut at sth] 猛砍 měng kǎn wood, stone, person; 狂剪 kuáng jiǎn haircut away A. transitive verb [cut sth away, cut away sth] 切除 qiēchú rotten part, excess; 剪掉 jiǎndiào border; 砍掉 kǎndiào dead woodB. intransitive verb 反复切削 fǎnfù qiēxiāo to cut away at sth; 反复切削某物 cut back A. transitive verb [cut sth back, cut back sth] (trim, prune) 修剪 xiūjiǎn plant; 砍掉 kǎndiào dead wood(reduce) 削减 xuējiǎn production, workforce, spendingB. intransitive verb 削减 xuējiǎn to cut back on staff/production 裁员/减产 cut down A. transitive verb [cut down sth/sb, cut sth/sb down] (chop) 砍倒 kǎndǎo tree; long grass(trim) 把…改短 bǎ… gǎiduǎn clothes; 截短 jiéduǎn carpet, rope, woodto cut sb down to size figurative 让某人有自知之明 (kill) 杀死 shāsǐ ; (injure) 使受伤 shǐ shòushāng to be cut down in the prime of (one's) life 英年早逝 (reduce) 削减 xuējiǎn amount, timeto cut sth down by sth; 将某物减少某数量 they aim to cut public spending down from £30 million to £20 million 他们打算把公共开支由3,000万英镑削减至2,000万英镑 (abridge) 删节 shānjié text, filmto cut sth down (from sth) to sth; 把某物(从某物)删成某物 cut the article down from 3,000 to 2,000 words 把文章由3,000字删减到2,000字 B. intransitive verb 削减 xuējiǎn to cut down on sth; 减少某物 cut in A. intransitive verb (interrupt) 打断 dǎduàn to cut in on sth/sb; 打断某事/某人 to cut in on a discussion 在讨论时插话 Motor Vehicles «driver, vehicle» 超车抢道 chāochē qiǎng dào to cut in on sb; 抢道超某人的车 B. transitive verb [cut sb in] informal 让…加入 ràng…jiārù personto cut sb in on sth; 让某人加入某事 cut me in next time! 下次把我算上! cut into transitive verb [cut into sth] (penetrate) 切入 qiērù flesh, metal; «rope, chain» 勒进 lēijìn part of body; «acid» 腐蚀 fǔshí metal(begin to cut) 动手切 dòngshǒu qiē figurative (interrupt) 打断 dǎduàn conversation, programmefigurative (impinge on) 占用 zhànyòng time, working daycut off transitive verb [cut sth/sb off, cut off sth/sb] (remove) 切掉 qiēdiào part, length; 减少 jiǎnshǎo quantity; 砍掉 kǎndiào head; 割掉 gēdiào ear; 剪掉 jiǎndiào flower, hairto cut sth off sth; 从某物上切下某物 he had his arm cut off by the machine 他的手臂给机器切掉了 (reduce) 减掉 jiǎndiào to cut sth off sth; 从某物中减掉 percentage, amountthey've cut 10% off all their prices 他们已把所有价格降低了一成 (stop) 中断 zhōngduàn supply, servicethe phone/electricity has been cut off 电话/供电被切断了 (block) 阻挡 zǔdǎng view; 切断 qiēduàn path, escape route; 阻截 zǔjié army(disinherit) 剥夺…的继承权 bōduó… de jìchéngquán personto cut sb off without a penny 不给某人留一分钱遗产 (interrupt) 中断 zhōngduàn broadcast, call; 打断 dǎduàn person, speech(seal off, isolate) 隔绝 géjué personto be cut off (from sth) «area» 被(与某处)隔断 to be cut off by snow/flooding 被大雪/被洪水围困 to cut sb/sth off from sth/sb; 使…与…隔绝 his deafness cut him off from society 耳聋使他与社会隔绝 regions/nations that are cut off from civilization 与文明社会隔绝的地区/民族 to feel cut off (from sth/sb) 感到被(与某处/某人)隔绝 to cut oneself off from sth/sb; 断绝与某处/某人的联系 cut out A. transitive verb [cut sth out, cut out sth] (make, fashion) 剪下 jiǎnxia article; 剪出 jiǎnchū shape; 裁剪出 cáijiǎn chū dressto cut sth out of sth; 用某物剪出某物 to cut sth out of wood 拿木头刻出某物 to be cut out for sth/doing sth figurative informal 适合某事物/做某事 to be cut out for sb informal 与某人很般配 they are cut out for each other 他们是天造地设的一对 to be cut out to be sth informal 是做某事的料 he's not cut out to be a chef 他不是当厨师的料 to have one's work cut out (doing sth or to do sth) informal (做某事)着实不容易 (carve out) 挖出 wāchū opening, tunnel(remove) 切除 qiēchú core, tumour; 删节 shānjié text, sceneto cut sth out of sth; 从某物中除去某物 informal (stop, abstain from) 停止 tíngzhǐ cut it out! 打住! informal (quit) jiè smoking; 不再吃 bù zài chī food item; 停用 tíngyòng luxuryto cut sth out of one's diet 忌吃某食物 (exclude) 把…排除在外 bǎ… páichú zàiwài personto cut sb out of sth; 不让某人参与某事 to cut sb out of one's will 不让某人继承遗产 (block) 挡住 dǎngzhù light, noiseB. intransitive verb Mechanics (fail, switch itself off) «engine, heater, machine» 停止运转 tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn cut through transitive verb [cut through sth] (sever) 切割开 qiēgē kāi metal, stone; 锯开 jùkāi woodto cut through red tape 免掉繁文缛节 (penetrate) 溶解 róngjiě grease; «wind» 吹透 chuītòu coat; «sound» 打破 dǎpò silence(move through) 穿行于 chuānxíng yú water, airto cut through the waves «boat» 破浪而行 cut up A. [cut sth up, cut up sth] transitive verb (into pieces) 剪碎 jiǎnsuì paper; 切碎 qiēsuì food, body; firewood; 解剖 jiěpōu animal, person, body partto cut sth up into pieces/slices; 把某物切碎/切成片 Motor Vehicles informal 抢道超越 qiǎng dào chāoyuè driver, vehicleB. [cut sb up] transitive verb usually passive informal (upset) 使伤心 shǐ shāngxīn to be/seem cut up (about/by sth); (对某事物/因某事物)感到/似乎感到伤心 C. intransitive verb (be able to be cut up) to cut up easily/into pieces «vegetables, animal» 易切/切成块 «paper» 易剪裁/剪成片 yì jiǎncái/jiǎnchéng piàn «wood» 易劈开/劈成块 yì pīkāi/pīchéng kuài US informal (misbehave) 胡闹 húnào




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