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词汇 before
before | BrE bɪˈfɔː, AmE bəˈfɔr | A. preposition (earlier than) 在…以前 zài… yǐqián before now 此前 she got there before us 她比我们早到那里 the day before yesterday 前天 I was there the week before last 我上上周在那儿 before leaving, he phoned 他在离开前打了个电话 he became a doctor, like his father before him 他承继父业,当了一名医生 before long 不久 before long it will be winter 冬天很快就要到来了 (in position, order, hierarchy) 在…前面 zài… qiánmian G comes before H in the alphabet 字母表中G在H之前 your name comes before mine on the list 名单上你的名字排在我前面 turn left a mile before the crossroads 在十字路口前一英里处左拐 before sb's (very) eyes 当着某人的面 to play before the home crowd 在主场观众面前比赛 to bring a bill before parliament 向国会提交议案 (in importance, priority) 优先于 yōuxiān yú to put quality before quantity 优先考虑质量而非数量 before all else or everything 先于一切 for him, work comes before everything else 对他而言,工作重于一切 US (in telling time) [表示差几分到整点]it's ten before six 6点差10分 formal (in reaction to, in the face of, for the consideration of) [表示面对某人、某事物时的反应或应考虑的事宜]they retreated before the enemy 面对敌人,他们撤退了 these are the alternatives before us 这些就是我们可以考虑的变通方法 (awaiting) [表示临近]the whole summer lay before me 整个夏季正等待着我 B. adverb (earlier) 以前 yǐqián ; (already) 已经 yǐjing long before 很久以前 it's never happened before 这事以前从未发生过 have you been to India before? 你去过印度吗? I'll try to talk to her before 我会尽量在之前和她谈一谈 as before 一如既往 (preceding) 在前面 zài qiánmian that page and the one before 这一页和前面的一页 archaic (ahead) 提前 tíqián to ride before 在前面骑马 C. conjunction (prior to) 在…以前 zài… yǐqián before I go, I would like to say that … 我走以前想说… before you can say Jack Robinson dated 说时迟,那时快 before you know where you are … 突然… oh, before I forget, did you remember to post that letter? 噢,差点忘了,你记得把那封信寄出去了吗? (until) 到…时 dào… shí it will be years before I earn that much money! 我得到猴年马月才能挣到那么多钱! (in threats or warnings) 不然 bùrán get out of here before I call the police! 走开,不然我叫警察了! (as necessary condition) 以便 yǐbiàn ; (in order to prevent) 以免 yǐmiǎn you have to show your ticket before they'll let you in 你得凭票入内 do it before you forget 尽早动手,免得忘了 (rather than) 不愿 bùyuàn I'd die before I apologize 我宁死也不道歉 he would die before admitting he was wrong 他死也不肯认错




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