

词汇 between
between | BrE bɪˈtwiːn, AmE bəˈtwin | A. preposition (in space or time, indicating connection, contrast) 在…之间 zài… zhījiān there is a wall between the two gardens 两个花园之间有一堵墙 between the ages of 12 and 18 在12岁和18岁之间 the link between smoking and cancer 吸烟与癌症之间的联系 nothing stands between us and success 没有什么能阻止我们获得成功 you must settle it between yourselves 你们必须自己解决这件事 I don't want to come between them 我不想破坏他们之间的关系 (on a scale or range) 介于…之间 jièyú… zhījiān it's between 50 and 60 kilometres away 它距离这里有50到60公里 something between a novel and an autobiography 介于小说和自传之间的作品 (to and from) 往返于…之间 wǎngfǎn yú… zhījiān flights between Beijing and London 往返于北京和伦敦之间的航班 (indicating sharing, division, combination) 由…分享 yóu… fēnxiǎng they had only one suitcase between (the three of) them 他们(三人)只有一个手提箱 between (the two of) them they had drunk the whole bottle of wine 他们(两个)喝了一整瓶酒 this is just between ourselves or between you and me 这事只限我们两人知道 they wrote the article between them 他们合写了这篇文章 B. adverb (also in between) (in space, scale, range) 在中间 zài zhōngjiān Oxford Street, the Euston Road, and the area (in) between 牛津街、尤斯顿路以及这之间的区域 she spent four years at university and two years training, with a year off (in) between 她上了四年大学,接受了两年培训,其间休息一年 neither red nor orange but somewhere (in) between 既非红色亦非橙色,而是介于两者之间的某种颜色 few A1




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