

词汇 doll
doll | BrE dɒl, AmE dɑl | noun (toy) 玩偶 wán'ǒu dolls' clothes 玩具娃娃的衣服 informal dated (attractive woman) 俊妞儿 jùn niūr she's quite a doll! 她真是个美人儿! (nice person) 好心人 hǎoxīnrén would you be a doll and set the table? 你愿意帮忙摆放餐具吗? PHRASAL VERB doll up: transitive verb [doll up sb/sth, doll sb/sth up] informal 把…打扮得可爱迷人 bǎ… dǎban de kě'ài mírén child, animal; 把…装点得漂漂亮亮 bǎ… zhuāngdiǎn de piàopiàoliangliang furniture, building, foodto doll oneself up (in sth); (穿某种衣服)打扮自己 I'm really going to doll myself up tonight 今晚我要好好打扮一番 to doll sb/sth up in sth; 用某物打扮某人/装点某物




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