

词汇 furthest
furthest | BrE ˈfəːðɪst, AmE ˈfərðəst | superlative form of far A. adjective (most distant in space) 最远的 zuì yuǎn de the houses furthest away from the river 离河最远的房子 at the furthest (distance) 最远 zuì yuǎn (at most) 至多 it's only a couple of miles at the furthest 最多只有几英里远 (at or to the most advanced point) 最大限度的 zuì dà xiàndù de it was the furthest thing from my mind 我压根儿就没这个念头 B. adverb (to or at the greatest distance in space) 最远 zuì yuǎn which is the furthest north? 哪里是最北边? (to or at the greatest distance in time) 最久远 zuì jiǔyuǎn the furthest ahead we can look is next week 我们最多只能预见到下一周 the furthest back I can remember is 1970 我能记起的最早时间是1970年 (at or to the most advanced point) 最大限度地 zuì dà xiàndù de ; (to the greatest extent, most) 最大程度上 zuì dà chéngdù shang the people furthest removed from the political process 与政治进程最不相干的人




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