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词汇 game
game | BrE ɡeɪm, AmE ɡeɪm | A. noun countable (activity) 游戏 yóuxì to play a game/games 玩游戏 party games 分组游戏 a game of skill/chance 技巧类/博弈类游戏 a game for two players 二人游戏 the beautiful game 足球 the fight game US 拳击 it's only a game! 儿戏而已,何必当真! it's all in the game figurative 万事皆如此 to play the game 遵守游戏规则 countable (session) 一场 yī chǎng a game of chess/cards/Monopoly 一盘国际象棋/纸牌/大富翁游戏 a game of cricket/snooker/darts 一场板球/斯诺克台球/飞镖比赛 to have or play a game (of sth) (with or against sb); (和某人)打一场(某类)比赛 to be back in/get back into the game (again) 将比分追上来 a game of two halves 上下半场两队表现迥异的比赛 countable (section of match in tennis, badminton, bridge) 一局 yī jú four games to one (in tennis) 局分为四比一 game to Edwards 爱德华兹赢得本局比赛 game, set, and match (to Edwards) 本局、本盘及整场比赛结束(,爱德华兹获胜) it's game all 双方各胜一局 we were two games all 我们各胜两局 21 points is game 比赛采用21分制 countable (skill at playing) 比赛技巧 bǐsài jìqiǎo I played my normal game 我发挥正常 to raise/improve one's game 提高/改进比赛技巧 she played a great game of chess 她下了一局好棋 to be off one's game 比赛发挥不佳 to put sb off his/her game 使某人比赛发挥不佳 countable (set of equipment) (for fun) 游戏用品 yóuxì yòngpǐn ; (for sport) 比赛器具 bǐsài qìjù countable (lark) 儿戏 érxì this isn't a game! 这可不是儿戏! to play games 闹着玩 don't play games with me! 别跟我打哈哈! countable informal (trick, scheme) 诡计 guǐjì I'm on to your little game 我已经看穿了你的小把戏 to play sb's game 按某人的意愿行事 to play the same game 采取同样的策略 two can play (at) that game 这一套他会我也会 to beat sb at his/her own game 在某人擅长的领域击败某人 what's your game? British 你耍什么花招呢? to give the game away 泄露秘密 the game is up 该收场了 [事情已经泄露了]the name of the game informal 真正重要的东西 countable informal (occupation, business) 行业 hángyè the publishing/insurance/marketing game 出版/保险/营销业 I've been in this game for ten years 这一行我干了10年 British informal (prostitution) the game 卖淫 màiyín to be/go on the game; 卖淫 màiyín uncountable Hunting 猎物 lièwù to hunt game 狩猎 small/big game 小型/大型猎物 before noun (referring to the catch) 可作为猎物的 kě zuòwéi lièwù de bird, fish, animal; (referring to the sport) 狩猎的 shòuliè de park, reserve, laws, licence uncountable Cooking 野味 yěwèi ; before noun 野味的 yěwèi de pâté, stew, soup uncountable (target) 目标 mùbiāo to be easy/fair game 成为容易捕获的/恰当的目标 B. games plural noun British School 体育课 tǐyùkè to be good at games 体育好 games lessons/master/mistress/teacher 体育课/教师/女教师/老师 (contest) 运动会 yùndònghuì C. intransitive verb 玩电脑游戏 wán diànnǎo yóuxì D. adjective predicative (willing) 愿意的 yuànyì de OK, I'm game 好吧,我乐意干 to be game for sth/to do sth; 愿意尝试某事物/做某事 she's game for anything 她什么都敢尝试 he's always game for an adventure 他随时愿意冒险 (plucky) 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de person, attempt




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