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词汇 favour
favour British, favor US | BrE ˈfeɪvə, AmE ˈfeɪvər | A. noun uncountable (approval) 赞同 zàntóng to look on sth with favour or to look with favour on sth; 赞同某事物 to win favour with sb or to win sb's favour; 赢得某人的好感 I tried in vain to win her favour 我试图赢得她的芳心,但没有成功 to lose favour with sb or to lose sb's favour; 失去某人的好感 he has lost favour with the boss 他已在老板面前失宠 to find favour (with sb/in sb's eyes); (be approved of) 得到(某人的)赞同 (be liked) 受到(某人的)喜爱 the proposal didn't find favour with the workforce 该提议没有得到劳工的支持 ideas that are finding increasing favour with young people 越来越受年轻人青睐的观念 he found favour with the king 他得到国王的宠信 to fall from or out of favour (with sb) (stop being liked) 不再受到(某人的)喜爱 she has fallen out of favour with the party leadership 她已经失去了政党领导人的支持 to be in/out of favour with sb or to be in/out of sb's favour; (be approved/disapproved of) 得到/不再得到某人的赞同 (be liked/disliked) 受到/不再受到某人的喜爱 (be in/out of fashion) 在某些人中流行/不再流行 how can I get back into his favour? 我怎样才能再次赢得他的好感? to be in favour of sb/sth; 赞同某人/某事物 to be in favour of sb doing sth; 赞同某人做某事 all those in favour, raise your hands 赞成的人请举手 he spoke in favour of the motion 他发表讲话,支持这项动议 she hasn't got a word to say in her daughter-in-law's favour 她从不夸奖她的儿媳妇 uncountable (preferential treatment) 特殊照顾 tèshū zhàogù to show favour to sb or to show sb favour; 偏袒某人 uncountable (advantage) 好处 hǎochu the exchange rate is in your favour at the moment 现在的汇率对你有利 he had youth and good looks in his favour 他年轻英俊,讨人喜欢 the odds are in favour of a June election 6月份举行选举的可能性较大 the decision went in their favour 这个决定对他们有利 he turned down a well-paid job in favour of voluntary work 他放弃了待遇优厚的工作,选择做志愿者 countable (kindness) 善意行为 shànyì xíngwéi she agreed to stay as a favour to her father 她同意留下是给她父亲一个面子 to ask sb a favour or to ask a favour of sb; 请某人帮个忙 to do sb a favour or to do a favour for sb; 帮某人一个忙 you're not doing anyone any favours by working all this unpaid overtime 你加班加点还不要报酬,这对任何人都没有好处 do me a favour! British informal 得了吧! do yourself a favour and stop smoking 善待自己,别再抽烟了 to return a favour 报答恩惠 to owe sb a favour 欠某人一个人情 favours dated 同意性交 tóngyì xìngjiāo B. transitive verb (prefer) 较喜欢 jiào xǐhuan the prime minister seems to favour an October election 首相似乎倾向于在10月举行选举 she favours trousers for warmth 为了保暖,她更喜欢穿裤子 I favour the Welsh team 我支持威尔士队 (approve of) 赞同 zàntóng proposal, plan (treat preferentially) 偏袒 piāntǎn teachers often favour their brightest pupils 老师们常常偏爱那些最聪明的学生 literary (prove advantageous to) 有利于 yǒulì yú the wind favoured our voyage northwards 我们向北航行是顺风的 formal (oblige) 赐予 cìyǔ I should be grateful if you would favour me with a prompt reply 若蒙立即赐复,鄙人将不胜感激 do you think Paul will favour us with his presence today? ironic 你认为保罗今天会赏光出席吗? dated (resemble) 长得像 zhǎng de xiàng he favours his father 他长得像他父亲




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