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词汇 feather
feather | BrE ˈfɛðə, AmE ˈfɛðər | A. noun 羽毛 yǔmáo that's a feather in your cap figurative 那是你值得骄傲的地方 you could have knocked me down with a feather figurative 我惊讶得目瞪口呆 that'll make the feathers fly figurative 这会引起争端 to smooth ruffled feathers figurative 劝解 before noun 羽毛做的 yǔmáo zuò de boaa feather mattress 羽毛床垫 B. transitive verb (in fixed expressions) to feather one's (own) nest derogatory 中饱私囊 zhōngbǎo sīnáng to tar and feather sb 严厉惩罚某人 yánlì chéngfá mǒu rén (in rowing) 使…与水面平行 shǐ… yǔ shuǐmiàn píngxíng oar Aviation 使…顺流交距 shǐ… shùnliú jiāo jù engine, propeller




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