

词汇 dose
dose | BrE dəʊs, AmE doʊs | A. noun (of medicine) 一次的剂量 yī cì de jìliàng to give or administer a dose of cough mixture 给服一剂咳嗽药 in small/large doses 以小/大剂量 I can only stand her in small doses 我只能忍受她一小会儿 like a dose of salts informal 很快地 informal a dose of sth; (of sth unpleasant) 一次 flu, deflation, conversation (of sth pleasant) 一点 yīdiǎn optimism, originality, good luck, fresh airB. transitive verb 给…服药 gěi… fúyào to dose sb (up) with painkillers 给某人服用止痛药 C. to dose oneself reflexive verb to dose oneself up 服药 fúyào to dose oneself (up) with sleeping pills 服用安眠药 fúyòng ānmiányào




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