

词汇 do up
do up A. transitive verb [do sth up, do up sth] (fasten) 系好 jìhǎo clothes, laces, shoes; 拉上 lāshang zip; 扣好 kòuhǎo buttons(wrap) 捆扎 kǔnzā parcelthe package was done up with string 包裹是用细绳绑起来的 to do one's hair (up) in a bun 把头发扎成圆髻 informal (renovate) 翻新 fānxīn housewe are doing up the living room 我们在翻修客厅 informal (adorn) 打扮 dǎban to do oneself up in fine clothes 穿上漂亮的衣服 B. intransitive verb «clothes» 系牢 jìláo to do up at the back/with a zip 在后面/用拉链系起来




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