

词汇 highlight
highlight | BrE ˈhʌɪlʌɪt, AmE ˈhaɪˌlaɪt | A. noun Art 强光部分 qiángguāng bùfen (in hair) 挑染的头发 tiǎorǎn de tóufa to put highlights in one's hair 挑染头发 (best part) (general) 最精彩的部分 zuì jīngcǎi de bùfen ; (of match, show, event) 最精彩的片段 zuì jīngcǎi de piànduàn B. transitive verb Art (accentuate) «artist» 用强光突出 yòng qiángguāng tūchū form, point of interest; «light» 突出 tūchū form, point of interest (draw attention to) 强调 qiángdiào issue, needs (mark with highlighter) 用荧光笔标出 yòng yíngguāngbǐ biāochū (bleach) 挑染 tiǎorǎn hair




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