

词汇 itself
itself | BrE ɪtˈsɛlf, AmE ɪtˈsɛlf | pronoun (reflexive gen) 它自己 tā zìjǐ to come on by itself «light» 自动开启 to stand by itself «tree» 独自矗立 to present itself «problem» 自行出现 to fend for itself «animal» 自生自灭 to earn itself a reputation «company» 为自己赢得声誉 sth that curves back on itself 自身弯曲的某物 sth that replicates itself 自我复制的某物 (per se) 本身 běnshēn the town itself is not large 镇子本身并不大 that's an achievement in itself 这本身就是一项成就 the library is not in the university itself 图书馆并不在大学里面 (for emphasis) [表示强调]he was kindness itself 他非常善良




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