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词汇 call
call | BrE kɔːl, AmE kɔl | A. transitive verb (give name to) 给…取名 gěi… qǔmíng ; (address or refer to by name) 称呼 chēnghu a boy called David 一个名叫戴维的男孩 her name is Elizabeth, but everybody calls her Liz 她的名字是伊丽莎白,但大家都叫她莉兹 the pupils call the teachers by their first names 学生对老师直呼其名 to call oneself sth; (give name to) 给自己取某名字 gěi zìjǐ qǔ mǒu míngzi she calls herself Madame Mimi Theatre 她给自己取名米米夫人 (describe as) 认为…是 rènwéi… shì how dare you call me fat/a cheat! 你竟敢说我胖/是骗子! it's not what you'd call an exciting book, but it's very readable 这算不上一本激动人心的书, 但可读性很强 he hasn't a place to call his own 他无处安身 parapsychology or whatever they or you call it 超心理学或者什么来着 call it what you will 随便叫什么都一样 to call oneself sth; (claim to be) 自称某身份 zìchēng mǒu shēnfèn he calls himself a writer, but he's never had anything published 他自称作家,但从未发表过任何作品 I was ashamed to call myself his daughter 我羞于说自己是他的女儿 informal (agree on) 把…算作 bǎ… suànzuò that'll be £25.04: let's call it £25 共计25.04英镑,就算作25英镑吧 (say loudly) 大声说出 dàshēng shuōchū didn't you hear me call your name? 你没听到我叫你的名字吗? to call the register or roll 点名 ‘come here at once!’she called 她喊道:“马上过来!” has our flight been called yet? 广播通知我们的航班登机了吗? I called heads, but it was tails 我猜的是硬币正面,但结果是反面 (summon by shouting) 呼唤 hūhuàn please call the manager 请叫经理来 call the next witness 传下一个证人 (telephone) 给…打电话 gěi… dǎ diànhuà person, number, organizationdon't call us, we'll call you humorous 别给我们打电话,我们会打给你的 [常暗示说话者不接受对方] (summon by telephone) 打电话叫 dǎ diànhuà jiào doctor, fire brigade, ambulanceto call the police 打电话报警 I've called you a taxi 我已经为你打电话叫了辆出租车 (waken) 叫醒 jiàoxǐng (summon by letter) 写信请…前来 xiě xìn qǐng… qiánlái personshe has been called for a second interview 她接到通知去参加第二次面试 I've been called as a witness 我被传唤作证 (to vocation) «God, destiny» 感召 gǎnzhào something was calling me to join the army 冥冥中有什么在召唤我参军 (arrange) 召开 zhàokāi meeting; 举行 jǔxíng election, rehearsal, strike Games (nominate) 指定 zhǐdìng trumps; 指定…为王牌 zhǐdìng… wéi wángpái hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades; (ask to show hand) 叫…摊牌 jiào… tānpái ; (make bid) 叫(牌) jiào(pái) I called two diamonds 我叫了两个方块 Sport 判定 pàndìng the linesman called the ball out 司线员判该球出界 Computing 调用 diàoyòng file, program, subroutineB. intransitive verb (cry out) 喊叫 hǎnjiào I called to my friends and asked them to help 我朝朋友们呼喊,要他们来帮忙 Zoology «bird» 鸣叫 míngjiào ; «animal» jiào (telephone) 打电话 dǎ diànhuà can I speak to Mr Smith, please — who's calling? 我能和史密斯先生通话吗?──您是哪位? Radio 呼叫 hūjiào (this is) London calling (这是)伦敦呼叫 (visit) 拜访 bàifǎng Martin called while you were out 你不在家时马丁来过 he called at the library to return his books 他去图书馆还了书 Games (nominate trumps) 指定王牌 zhǐdìng wángpái ; (make bid) 叫牌 jiàopái Sport (when tossing a coin, racket) 猜正反面 cāi zhèngfǎnmiàn C. noun countable (loud cry) 喊叫 hǎnjiào ; (of bird, animal) 叫声 jiàoshēng a call for help 呼救声 within call 在附近 they told us to remain within call 他们叫我们不要走远 countable Telecommunications 电话 diànhuà to have or get or receive a call (from sb/sth) 接到(某人/某处的)电话 to make a call (to sb/sth) (给某人/某处)打电话 to put a call through to sb 接通给某人的电话 to return sb's call 给某人回电话 there's a call for you 有你的电话 countable (to wake sb) 叫醒 jiàoxǐng to give sb a call 叫醒某人 countable (summons by voice) 召唤 zhàohuàn the last call Aviation 最后一次登机提示 this is your ten-minute call Theatre 十分钟后该你上场了 to put out a call for sb (over public address or radio) 广播呼叫某人 countable (signal from trumpet, bugle) 号声 hàoshēng uncountable (duty) to be on call «doctor, engineer, police officer» 随叫随到 suí jiào suí dào Dr Brown is on call tonight 布朗医生今晚值班 countable (vocation) 感召 gǎnzhào he felt the call of the priesthood 他感到神意要他成为神父 a call to do sth; 做某事的使命感 countable (allure) 吸引力 xīyǐnlì the call of the sea 大海的魅力 countable (visit) 短暂的拜访 duǎnzàn de bàifǎng the doctor is out on a call 医生在外出诊 my next call was at the butcher's 我接下来去了肉店 to make a call 拜访 bàifǎng to pay a call (on sb) dated 拜访(某人) countable (request) 要求 yāoqiú the president made a call for national unity 总统号召全国上下团结一致 countable (claim) 需求 xūqiú a call on sth; 对某事物的需求 she has many calls on her time 有很多事情等着她去办 to have first call on sb/sth 享有对某人/某事物的优先权 the children always have first call on her time 她的时间总是先花在孩子们身上 uncountable (demand) 需要 xūyào ; (need) 必要 bìyào there's little call for black-and-white televisions these days 如今对黑白电视机几乎没有需求了 there was no call for him to react that way 他没必要有那样的反应 countable (bid in card games) 叫牌 jiàopái it's your call 该你叫牌了 countable Sport (when tossing a coin, racket) 猜正反面的权利 cāi zhèngfǎnmiàn de quánlì it's your call 由你来猜正反面 countable Sport (shout by official) [裁判的] 判决 pànjué countable informal (decision) 决定 juédìng it's your call 由你来决定 uncountable and countable Finance 催还 cuīhuán on or at call 即期支付的 PHRASAL VERBS call at: transitive verb [call at sth] (mainly British) «vehicle» 在…停留 zài… tíngliú the trains calling at Oxford 在牛津停留的列车 the ship calls at a number of ports 这艘船在很多港口停靠 call away: transitive verb [call sb away] 把…叫走 bǎ… jiàozǒu the doctor had been called away to an urgent case 医生被叫去看急诊了 call back A. [call sb back] transitive verb (summon by shouting) 叫…回来 jiào… huílai (telephone again) 再给…打电话 zài gěi… dǎ diànhuà (telephone in return) 给…回电话 gěi… huí diànhuà B. [call sb back, call back sb] transitive verb 召回 zhàohuí representative, diplomat, ministerC. intransitive verb (telephone again) 再打电话 zài dǎ diànhuà (telephone in return) 回电话 huí diànhuà (visit again) 再次拜访 zàicì bàifǎng sorry, they haven't come in yet: call back next week 抱歉,还没到货,下周再来吧 call by intransitive verb 顺便拜访 shùnbiàn bàifǎng I'll call by some time and pick them up 我会找个时候顺便去一趟把它们取走 call down: A. transitive verb [call sb down] (summon from above) 叫…下来 jiào… xiàlai [call down sth, call sth down] literary (invoke) 激起 jīqǐ anger; 祈求 qíqiú wrath, vengeancehe called down curses on his enemies 他诅咒敌人 B. intransitive verb (shout from above) 朝下面喊叫 cháo xiàmian hǎnjiào call for A. [call for sb/sth] transitive verb (summon by shouting) 叫…来 jiào… lái person; 叫人拿来 jiào rén nálai objectthe queen called for her advisers 女王宣召了顾问大臣 to call for help/assistance 大声呼救/喊人帮忙 (go/come to collect) 去接/来接 qù jiē/lái jiē person; 去取/来取 qù qǔ/lái qǔ objectB. [call for sth] transitive verb (demand) 要求 yāoqiú they are calling for talks to be extended 他们要求延长会谈 (require) 需要 xūyào this calls for a celebration! 这该庆祝一下! that was not called for! 多此一举! call forth: transitive verb [call forth sth, call sth forth] literary «situation, action, speech» 引起 yǐnqǐ response, emotioncall in: A. transitive verb [call sb/sth in, call in sb/sth] (summon inside) 叫…进来 jiào… jìnlai [call in sb, call sb in] (send for) 召来 zhàolái to call in a doctor/the police 叫医生/警察来 [call in sth, call sth in] (recall) «government, bank, library, company» 要求收回 yāoqiú shōuhuí currency, library book, productthe manufacturers have called in all cars of this model 生产商已经把这一型号的车全部召回了 Finance 要求还清 yāoqiú huánqīng loanB. intransitive verb (pay visit) 拜访 bàifǎng to call in at the baker's 去面包店 he called in on his friend on the way home 他在回家路上顺便去看望了朋友 (telephone) 打电话来 dǎ diànhuà lai to call in sick «employee» 打电话请病假 call off A. [call sth off, call off sth] transitive verb (cancel) 取消 qǔxiāo event(halt) 停止 tíngzhǐ search, investigation, strike; 解除 jiěchú engagement, arrangement, dealB. [call sb/sth off, call off sb/sth] transitive verb (order to stop attacking) 命令…停止攻击 mìnglìng… tíngzhǐ gōngjī call your men off 叫你的人住手 call the dog off 把狗叫开 call on A. [call on sb] transitive verb (visit) 拜访 bàifǎng I called on her yesterday 我昨天去看望了她 B. [call on sb/sth] transitive verb = call uponcall out A. [call sth out, call out sth] transitive verb (say loudly) 大声说出 dàshēng shuōchū ‘what do you want?’I called out “你想要什么?”我喊道 B. [call sb out, call out sb] transitive verb (summon outside, away) 把…叫出来 bǎ… jiào chulai (send for) 召来 zhàolái specialist, emergency services, troopsif the storm continues, we'll have to call out the lifeboat 如果暴风雨不停,我们就必须呼叫救生船 (on strike) 下令…罢工 xiàlìng… bàgōng the shop steward called the union members out on strike 工会谈判代表下令工会会员罢工 C. intransitive verb 大声呼喊 dàshēng hūhǎn to call out to sb; 对某人大喊 to call out for sb/sth; 喊着要某人/某事物 call over: transitive verb [call sb over, call over sb] (summon by shouting) 叫…过来 jiào… guòlai [call sb over] (invite) 请来 qǐnglai call round intransitive verb British 来访 láifǎng do call round when you have the time 你有时间一定要来看我 I'll call round this afternoon and pick it up 我今天下午去一趟,把它取走 call up A. [call up sb/sth, call sb/sth up] transitive verb (telephone) 给…打电话 gěi… dǎ diànhuà person, organization, number(supernaturally) 用魔法召唤 yòng mófǎ zhàohuàn spiritthe medium called up the ghost of my grandmother 灵媒让我的祖母显灵了 Military (conscript) 征召…入伍 zhēngzhào… rùwǔ Military (summon) 召集 zhàojí reinforcements, troopsSport 选拔 xuǎnbá player, reserve(evoke) 使人想起 shǐ rén xiǎngqǐ the church called up memories of our wedding day 教堂勾起了我们婚礼那天的回忆 Computing 打开 dǎkāi program, dataB. intransitive verb (telephone) 打电话 dǎ diànhuà (shout from below) 朝上面喊叫 cháo shàngmian hǎnjiào call upon A. [call upon sb] transitive verb (invite) 邀请 yāoqǐng I'd now like to call upon our next speaker 现在有请下一位发言人 to call upon sb to do sth; 请某人做某事 (urge) 要求 yāoqiú to call upon sb to do sth; 要求某人做某事 I feel called upon to warn you that … 我觉得我应该警告你… they delivered a petition calling upon the government to ban vivisection 他们递交了一份请愿书,呼吁政府禁止活体解剖 (appeal to) 求助于 qiúzhù yú to call upon sb for sth; 恳求某人给予 help, supportB. [call upon sth] transitive verb (make use of) 利用 lìyòng we may need to call upon your services 我们可能有用到你的地方 you will have to call upon all your patience and courage 你得拿出全部耐心和勇气




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