

词汇 downward
downward | BrE ˈdaʊnwəd, AmE ˈdaʊnwərd | A. adjective (moving, leading lower) 向下的 xiàng xià de climbto give a downward glance 向下瞟一眼 a downward stroke with a brush 画笔的向下一勾 (decreasing in level) 下降的 xiàjiàng de a downward trend 下降趋势 a downward movement of prices 价格的下调 (worsening in condition) 恶化的 èhuà de a downward spiral 每况愈下 to be on the downward path 走下坡路 B. adverb (also downwards) (lower in position) 向下地 xiàng xià de the land slopes gently downward 地面缓缓向下倾斜 to read from the top downward 自上而下读 (face down) 朝下地 cháo xià de to lie face downward 俯卧 (to lower level) 向低层次 xiàng dīcéngcì the long-term trend is downward 从长远来看呈下降趋势 to push prices downward 把价格压低 (in scale, degree, rank) 以下 yǐxià everybody from the boss downward 上至老板,下至每个员工 (from earlier time) 往后推移地 wǎnghòu tuīyí de from the 15th century downward 自15世纪以来




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