

词汇 drag
drag | BrE draɡ, AmE dræɡ | A. transitive verb present participle dragging past tense, past participle dragged (pull) tuō to drag sth to or towards sth; 把某物拖向某处 to drag sth along the ground 在地上拖某物 to drag one's feet or heels literal 拖着脚走 tuōzhe jiǎo zǒu figurative 故意拖拉 gùyì tuōlā to drag one's feet over sth 在某事上迟迟不作决定 to drag its anchor «vessel» 拖锚 to drag ass US slang 别瞎磨蹭 (force to go) 硬拉 yìng lā to drag sb/sth into/to sth; 把某人/某事硬扯到某事中 to drag sb from/out of sth; 把某人从某处硬拉出来 to drag sb to do sth; 硬拉某人做某事 they keep dragging politics into sport 他们谈体育时总是扯上政治 to drag sb through the courts figurative 使某人受辱 to drag sb's name through the mud or mire 诋毁某人的名声 (search) 拖网搜索 tuōwǎng sōusuǒ lake, river Computing (move across screen) 拖动 tuōdòng icon, mouse, image, highlighted textto drag and drop sth 拖动(屏幕上)某东西 B. intransitive verb present participle dragging past tense, past participle dragged (move slowly) 拖沓地进行 tuōtà de jìnxíng the first act was OK, but the second dragged terribly 第一幕还好,但第二幕拖沓得要命 (trail) 拖着移动 tuōzhe yídòng she let her fingers drag in/through the water 她的手指在水中划过 informal (smoke) to drag on a cigarette; 吸烟 C. noun countable (hindrance) 累赘 léizhui to be a drag on sth/sb; 对某物/某人是个累赘 countable informal (boring or tiresome person) 令人厌烦的人 lìng rén yànfán de rén ; (boring or tiresome thing) 乏味的事物 fáwèi de shìwù to be a drag; 令人厌烦 countable informal (puff) 抽一口 chōu yī kǒu to take a long drag on one's cigarette 深吸一口烟 uncountable Aviation, Physics 阻力 zǔlì countable informal (road) 道路 dàolù the main drag 主路 uncountable informal (women's clothes) [男子穿的] 女装 nǚzhuāng to dress up in drag 穿娘们装 uncountable US informal (influence) 影响力 yǐngxiǎnglì countable (hook) 重型耙 zhòngxíngpá countable Hunting (lure) 人工臭迹 réngōng chòujì PHRASAL VERBS drag along: A. transitive verb [drag sth along] (pull along) 拖着 tuōzhe [drag sb along] (force to come) 硬拉 yìng lā to drag sb along to a show/lecture 硬拉某人去看演出/听讲座 B. to drag oneself along reflexive verb 费力地移动 fèilì de yídòng drag away: A. transitive verb [drag sb away, drag away sb] 拖走 tuōzǒu to drag sb away from sth; 把某人从某处拉出来 B. to drag oneself away reflexive verb 勉强离开 miǎnqiǎng líkāi to drag oneself away from the computer 勉强离开电脑 drag behind intransitive verb 拖沓地走在后面 tuōtà de zǒu zài hòumian drag by intransitive verb «time» 慢慢过去 mànmàn guòqu drag down A. [drag sb/sth down, drag down sb/sth] transitive verb (pull down) 拉下 lāxià he dragged her down to the ground 他把她拉倒在地 (bring to lower standard or level) 使…地位下降 shǐ… dìwèi xiàjiàng person; 使…水平下降 shǐ… shuǐpíng xiàjiàng objectshe didn't wish to be dragged down to his level 她不想被贬低到和他一个层次 the economy is being dragged down 经济每况愈下 B. [drag sb down, drag down sb] transitive verb (tire) «illness» 使…虚弱 shǐ… xūruò ; (depress) «weather» 使…沮丧 shǐ… jǔsàng drag in transitive verb [drag sb/sth in, drag in sb/sth] (pull in) 把…硬拉进来 bǎ… yìng lā jinlai figurative (introduce) 硬扯进 yìng chějìn topic, referencedrag off: transitive verb [drag sb off, drag off sb] 把…硬拉走 bǎ… yìng lāzǒu drag on intransitive verb 拖延太久 tuōyán tài jiǔ the conflict dragged on and on 冲突没完没了地拖延着 drag out: transitive verb [drag sb/sth out, drag out sb/sth] (force out) 拽出 zhuàichū [drag sth out, drag out sth] (extend) 拖延 tuōyán don't drag it out, say what you have to say then sit down 别拖泥带水,讲完该讲的就坐下 to drag sth out of sb (obtain) 迫使某人说出某事 pòshǐ mǒu rén shuōchū mǒu shì I'll get the truth if I have to drag it out of them! 哪怕对他们逼供我也得了解真相! drag up A. [drag sth up, drag up sth] transitive verb (pull up) 把…拉过来 bǎ… lā guolai figurative informal (mention) 提起某事物 tíqǐ mǒu shìwù surely they aren't going to drag all that up again? 他们肯定不会把那档子事又抖出来吧? B. [drag sb up, drag up sb] transitive verb British informal (bring up, educate) 把…拉扯大 bǎ… lāche dà child




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