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词汇 draw
draw | BrE drɔː, AmE drɔ | A. transitive verb past tense drew past participle drawn (on paper etc.) huà ; figurative (depict) 描绘 miáohuì to draw sb sth, to draw sth for sb; 为某人画某物 to draw the line (at sth/doing sth) (在某事/做某事上)划定底线 the line has to be drawn somewhere 总得有个限度 to draw the line at downright disobedience 完全不听话可不行 a well-drawn character 刻画得很成功的人物 (pull) the train was drawn by a steam engine 火车由蒸汽机拉动 to draw one's handkerchief across one's brow 用手帕擦额头 he drew a comb through his wet hair 他用梳子梳理湿发 to draw one's shawl round one's shoulders 披上披肩 to draw the rope through the hole 把绳子穿过孔眼 to draw one's bow (in archery) 拉弓 (attract to place, event) 吸引 xīyǐn ; (cause liking for) 使喜欢上 shǐ xǐhuan shang to draw sb to do sth; 吸引某人做某事 to draw sb to/from sth; 把某人吸引到某处/从某处吸引来 to draw (sb's) attention to sth/oneself 把(某人的)注意力吸引到某事物上/自己身上 our grief drew us together 我们同病相怜 she felt drawn to this mysterious stranger 她对这个神秘的陌生人有好感 (take out) 掏出 tāochū ; (pull out) 拔出 báchū nail, thornto draw sth from sth; 从某处掏出某物 to draw a sword 拔剑 she drew a gun on me 她拔出手枪对准我 to draw sb's/sth's teeth or fangs figurative 使某人/某物失去威力 Sport, Games 以平局结束 yǐ píngjú jiéshù England drew their game against France 英格兰队与法国队打成平局 (in cards) diào card, trumps Games (choose at random) chōu card, strawto draw sth from sth; 从某物中抽某物 Italy has been drawn against Spain or to play Spain 抽签结果是意大利队对西班牙队 Smith drew Jones in the first round of the tournament 锦标赛抽签结果是第一轮史密斯与琼斯对阵 Finance (receive) 领取 lǐngqǔ salary, pension; (authorize) kāi bill of exchangethe cheque was drawn on their joint account 这张支票开到他们的共同账户上 (pump, suck) 抽出 chōuchū water, air; (take from supply) 取用 qǔyòng electricity, moneyto draw water from the well 从井中汲水 his friends were drawn from all walks of life 他的朋友来自社会各个阶层 to draw a bath 放洗澡水 (disembowel) 除去…的内脏 chúqù… de nèizàng person, chicken (derive) 得到 dédào support, relief, strengthto draw comfort/encouragement/inspiration from sth 从某事中得到安慰/鼓励/灵感 there is a moral to be drawn from this tale 可以从这个故事中汲取教益 (expound) 作出 zuòchū to draw an analogy/a comparison/distinction/parallel between sth and sth/with sth 在某事物与某事物之间/与某事物作类比/对照/区分/比较 (produce as response) 引起 yǐnqǐ ; (cause to talk) 使…开口 shǐ… kāikǒu personto draw considerable praise 赢得众多称赞 she drew tears of laughter from the audience 她把观众逗得眼泪都笑出来了 she wouldn't be drawn into losing her temper 她不肯发脾气 to draw sb about or on sth; 使某人透露某事 (lead, guide) 带领 dàilǐng Medicine 排出 páichū pus, blood, abscess Nautical 吃水 chīshuǐ the ship draws six metres 这条船吃水6米 Technology 拉拔 lābá wire, rod; 轧制 zházhì plastic, glass, metalB. intransitive verb past tense drew past participle drawn (make picture) 绘画 huìhuà to draw round or around sth; 比着某物画 (move) 移动 yídòng to draw alongside (sth) (与某物)并行 to draw level (with sth/sb) (与某物/某人)追平 to draw ahead (of sth/sb) 超过(某物/某人) we are drawing ahead of our rivals figurative 我们就要领先对手了 to draw to an end or a close 结束 Sport, Games (achieve same score, finish with equal scores) 以平局结束 yǐ píngjú jiéshù ; (finish at the same time) 同时到达 tóngshí dàodá to draw with or against sb; 与某人打成平局 they drew 4-all or 4-4 in the final 他们在决赛中打成4平 Smith and Jones drew for third place 史密斯和琼斯并列第三名 (take out weapon) 拔出武器 báchū wǔqì to draw on sb; 拔出武器对准某人 Sport, Games (make random choice) 抽签 chōuqiān to draw for sth; 抽签决定某事 Technology «pump» 抽水 chōushuǐ ; «vacuum cleaner» 吸尘 xīchén (infuse) «tea» 泡开 pàokāi C. noun Sport, Games (act of drawing lots) 抽签 chōuqiān ; (lottery, raffle) 抽彩 chōucǎi ; (sports match) 抽签赛 chōuqiānsài the top half of the draw 抽签赛的上半区 Sport, Games (tie) 平局 píngjú the match/game ended in a draw 这场比赛以平局结束 to hold sb to a draw 与某人打成平局 (attraction) (person) 有吸引力的人 yǒu xīyǐnlì de rén ; (thing, event) 有吸引力的事物 yǒu xīyǐnlì de shìwù (of gun) 拔枪 bá qiāng to be quick/slow on the draw literal 拔枪快/慢 bá qiāng kuài/màn figurative 反应迅速/迟钝 fǎnyìng xùnsù/chídùn to beat sb to the draw literal 抢在某人前拔枪 qiǎng zài mǒu rén qián bá qiāng figurative 比某人抢先行动 bǐ mǒu rén qiǎngxiān xíngdòng (on cigarette, pipe) 吸烟 xīyān take a long draw on one's pipe/at one's cigarette 深吸一口烟斗/烟 PHRASAL VERBS draw apart intransitive verb (move) 分开 fēnkāi a small group had drawn apart from the rest 一小群人与其他人分开了 (become less intimate) 疏远 shūyuǎn the sect began to draw apart from orthodox Judaism 这个教派开始与正统犹太教分道扬镳了 draw aside: A. transitive verb [draw sth aside, draw aside sth] 把…拉到一边 bǎ… lādào yībiān B. intransitive verb 退到一边 tuìdào yībiān draw away A. transitive verb [draw sb/sth away, draw away sb/sth] (remove) 移开 yíkāi (withdraw, distract) 带…离开 dài… líkāi ; (induce to leave) 吸引…离开 xīyǐn… líkāi they're trying to draw her away from her present job 他们正试图把她从目前的工作挖走 (prevent from doing sth) 使…分心 shǐ… fēnxīn don't let her draw you away from your work 别让她打扰你工作 B. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (move off) 驶出 shǐchū (move ahead) 超过 chāoguò he drew away from the rest of the field 他甩开了其他参赛选手 (recoil) 躲避 duǒbì ; figurative (dissociate oneself) 撇清关系 piēqīng guānxì draw back A. transitive verb [draw sth back, draw back sth] (withdraw) 移开 yíkāi ; (move away) 拉开 lākāi curtainher hair was drawn back in a bun 她的头发向后梳成发髻 (induce to return) 把…吸引回来 bǎ… xīyǐn huilai B. intransitive verb (recoil) 后退 hòutuì (refrain) 撤回 chèhuí she drew back at the last minute 她在最后一刻罢手了 draw down transitive verb [draw sth down, draw down sth] (pull down) 拉下 lāxia figurative (attract, invite) 招来 zhāolái she had drawn shame down on her family 她已经使家人蒙羞 Finance 提取 tíqǔ money, loan, fundsdraw in A. transitive verb [draw sth in, draw in sth] (add to picture) 把…画进去 bǎ… huà jinqu (pull in) 缩回 suōhuí the cat drew in its claws 猫把爪子缩了进去 (suck in) 吸入 xīrù (earn) 挣得 zhèngdé to draw in huge sums of money 赚大钱 (attract) 吸引 xīyǐn (involve) 牵涉进 qiānshè jìn I managed to avoid getting drawn into the argument 我设法避免了卷入这场争论 B. intransitive verb (arrive) «train» 到站 dàozhàn (get shorter) «days» 渐短 jiàn duǎn ; «evenings, nights» 到来渐早 dàolái jiàn zǎo draw into A. [draw sb/sth into sth] transitive verb (involve) 使…卷入… shǐ… juǎnrù… ; (attract) 把…吸引到… bǎ… xīyǐn dào… neighbouring states were drawn into the battle 邻国被卷入了这场战斗 (suck) 把…吸进 bǎ… xījìn water, petrol, air, gashe was gradually drawn into a life of crime 他逐渐陷入犯罪生涯 (lead, guide) 将…带入… jiāng… dàirù… she drew him into her arms 她把他拉进怀里 B. [draw into sth] transitive verb 到达 dàodá placethe train drew into the station 火车进站了 draw off A. transitive verb [draw sth off, draw off sth] (remove) 取下 qǔxià to draw off one's gloves/the cover 摘下手套/取下罩子 (extract) 抽出 chōuchū liquidB. intransitive verb (withdraw) 撤退 chètuì (move off) 出发 chūfā draw on: A. transitive verb [draw sth on, draw on sth] (put on) 穿上 chuānshang item of clothing[draw sb on, draw on sb] (encourage) 鼓励 gǔlì [draw on sth] (use, exploit) 利用 lìyòng reserves, experience, knowledge[draw on sth] (puff, smoke) cigarette, pipeB. intransitive verb (approach) «time, season» 临近 línjìn night was drawing on 夜幕即将降临 (pass) 渐渐过去 jiànjiàn guòqu the months drew on, and there was still no word from her 几个月过去了,她仍然杳无音信 as the evening drew on, he became more talkative 随着夜色渐深,他的话越来越多 draw out A. [draw sth out, draw out sth] transitive verb (take out) 拿出 náchū (choose randomly) 随意抽取 suíyì chōuqǔ to draw names out of a hat 抽人名签 (pull out) 拔出 báchū nail, splinter of glass(pump or suck out) 抽出 chōuchū dust, airFinance 提取 tíqǔ money(elicit) 诱出 yòuchū to draw out a confession/secret 引诱招供/套出秘密 Technology 拉拔 lābá wire, plastic, glass, metal(cause to last longer) 拖延 tuōyán he drew his meal out 他一顿饭吃得磨磨蹭蹭 B. [draw sb out, draw out sb] transitive verb (cause or encourage to talk) 鼓励…讲话 gǔlì… jiǎnghuà I managed to draw him out of his silence 我设法使他打破了沉默 (induce to come out) 把…吸引出来 bǎ… xīyǐn chūlai fine weather draws people out of their houses 好天气吸引人们出门 C. intransitive verb (leave) «train» 出站 chūzhàn ; (move out) «vehicle» 开出 kāichū the lorry drew out into the middle of the road 卡车斜插到路中央 (get longer) «days» 渐长 jiàn cháng ; «evenings, nights» 到来渐晚 dàolái jiàn wǎn draw up A. transitive verb [draw sth up, draw up sth] (pull upwards) 提起 tíqǐ (devise) 起草 qǐcǎo plan; 制订 zhìdìng course of action(bring near) 拉近 lājìn chair, seat(gather up) 系上 jìshang thread, string(arrange) 排列 páiliè (bring to halt) 使…停下 shǐ… tíngxià B. to draw oneself up reflexive verb 站得笔直 zhàn de bǐzhí C. intransitive verb 停下 tíngxià draw upon transitive verb = draw on




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