

词汇 draw on
draw on: A. transitive verb [draw sth on, draw on sth] (put on) 穿上 chuānshang item of clothing[draw sb on, draw on sb] (encourage) 鼓励 gǔlì [draw on sth] (use, exploit) 利用 lìyòng reserves, experience, knowledge[draw on sth] (puff, smoke) cigarette, pipeB. intransitive verb (approach) «time, season» 临近 línjìn night was drawing on 夜幕即将降临 (pass) 渐渐过去 jiànjiàn guòqu the months drew on, and there was still no word from her 几个月过去了,她仍然杳无音信 as the evening drew on, he became more talkative 随着夜色渐深,他的话越来越多




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