

词汇 call in
call in: A. transitive verb [call sb/sth in, call in sb/sth] (summon inside) 叫…进来 jiào… jìnlai [call in sb, call sb in] (send for) 召来 zhàolái to call in a doctor/the police 叫医生/警察来 [call in sth, call sth in] (recall) «government, bank, library, company» 要求收回 yāoqiú shōuhuí currency, library book, productthe manufacturers have called in all cars of this model 生产商已经把这一型号的车全部召回了 Finance 要求还清 yāoqiú huánqīng loanB. intransitive verb (pay visit) 拜访 bàifǎng to call in at the baker's 去面包店 he called in on his friend on the way home 他在回家路上顺便去看望了朋友 (telephone) 打电话来 dǎ diànhuà lai to call in sick «employee» 打电话请病假




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