

词汇 fetch
fetch | BrE fɛtʃ, AmE fɛtʃ | transitive verb (bring) 接来 jiēlai person; 取来 qǔlai objectto fetch sth for sb, to fetch sb sth; 为某人取某物 to fetch and carry for sb 为某人跑腿 (bring financially) 售得 shòudé sum, amountto fetch a good price 卖得好价 informal (hit) 给以 gěiyǐ to fetch sb a blow 打某人一拳 PHRASAL VERBS fetch in: transitive verb [fetch sth in, fetch in sth] informal 接来 jiēlai person, animal; 取来 qǔlai chair, washingfetch out transitive verb [fetch sth out, fetch out sth] informal 取出 qǔchū object; 赶走 gǎnzǒu person, animalfetch up intransitive verb informal (arrive) 无意中到达 wúyì zhōng dàodá ; (end up) 告终 gàozhōng




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