

词汇 call up
call up A. [call up sb/sth, call sb/sth up] transitive verb (telephone) 给…打电话 gěi… dǎ diànhuà person, organization, number(supernaturally) 用魔法召唤 yòng mófǎ zhàohuàn spiritthe medium called up the ghost of my grandmother 灵媒让我的祖母显灵了 Military (conscript) 征召…入伍 zhēngzhào… rùwǔ Military (summon) 召集 zhàojí reinforcements, troopsSport 选拔 xuǎnbá player, reserve(evoke) 使人想起 shǐ rén xiǎngqǐ the church called up memories of our wedding day 教堂勾起了我们婚礼那天的回忆 Computing 打开 dǎkāi program, dataB. intransitive verb (telephone) 打电话 dǎ diànhuà (shout from below) 朝上面喊叫 cháo shàngmian hǎnjiào




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