

词汇 campaign
campaign | BrE kamˈpeɪn, AmE kæmˈpeɪn | A. noun Military 战役 zhànyì to mount or launch a campaign 发起一场战役 (course of action) 运动 yùndòng to launch or mount or wage a campaign for/against sth; 发起一场支持/反对某事物的运动 (underhand action) 秘密的破坏活动 mìmì de pòhuài huódòng a smear campaign 造谣中伤 B. intransitive verb Military 作战 zuòzhàn after ten years of campaigning 交战10年后 (promote cause) 发起运动 fāqǐ yùndòng I'm campaigning hard to get the policy changed 为了改变这项政策,我四处奔走游说




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