

词汇 drive
drive | BrE drʌɪv, AmE draɪv | A. transitive verb past tense drove past participle driven Motor Vehicles (be driver of) kāi vehicle; (convey) 开车送 kāichē sòng person, goodswe drove 500 km in one day 我们一天行驶了500公里 to drive a vehicle into a garage/car park/space; 把车驶进车房/停车场/停车位 he drives tourists round the town 他开车带游客参观这个镇子 informal (operate) 操作 cāozuò machine Electronics, Mechanics, Technology 驱动 qūdòng generator, mechanism, system (push) dìng nail, rivet; nǐng bolt; stake, post; figurative 推动 tuīdòng economy; «wind» chuī ; «water» chōng huge waves drove the boat against the rocks 巨浪把船打到礁石上 the clouds were driven across the sky 云朵被吹过天空 to drive sth home 把某物钉到位 shortages are driving prices higher 商品匮乏促使价格走高 Sport (hit hard and straight) 猛击 měng jī ; (strike in golf) 从球座打出 cóng qiúzuò dǎchū (force through or across) 辟出 pìchū road; záo tunnel; wellto drive a passage through the enemy ranks 从敌军队伍中杀出一条路 (instil) 使…被理解 shǐ… bèi lǐjiě point, factto drive sth into sb's head; 使某人记住某事物 to drive sth home (to sb); 把某事(对某人)讲清楚 (chase or herd) 驱赶 qūgǎn person, animalto drive sb from/out of sth; 把某人从某地驱除出去 to be driven out of the market 被挤出市场 to drive sb into a corner 将某人逼入困境 (expel) 打消 dǎxiāo to drive evil thoughts from one's mind 打消脑子里的坏念头 he tried to drive her out of his thoughts 他试图不再想她 (force, compel) 迫使 pòshǐ ; (cause to work, overwork) 迫使…过分劳累 pòshǐ… guòfèn láolèi to drive sb into debt 逼得某人负债 to drive sb insane/mad/out of their mind 把某人逼疯 he was driven by jealousy 他受了忌妒心的驱使 he was finally driven to suicide 他最后被迫自杀 to drive sb to do sth; 迫使某人拼命做某事 to drive the pupils very hard 使学生的学习负担极为沉重 B. intransitive verb past tense drove past participle driven Motor Vehicles (be driver) 开车 kāichē ; (ride) 乘车 chéngchē he drove in luxury to the airport 他乘豪华车去机场 I drove into a ditch 我把车开到沟里了 Motor Vehicles (be driven) «vehicle» 行驶 xíngshǐ ; (operate) «vehicle» 操作 cāozuò a car had driven into the garden fence 一辆汽车撞上了花园的栅栏 it's not an attractive car, but it drives well 这部车不起眼,但是很好开 (move with force) «wind, snow, waves» 迅猛袭来 xùnměng xílái the hail was driving in my face 冰雹劈头盖顶地砸到我脸上 the rain drove horizontally across the field 大雨横扫田野 Sport (hit a ball hard and straight) 抽球 chōuqiú ; (tee off) 发球 fāqiú C. to drive oneself reflexive verb past tense drove past participle driven to drive oneself to do sth; 拼命做某事 pīnmìng zuò mǒu shì you're driving yourself too hard 你把自己逼得太紧了 D. noun countable Motor Vehicles (car journey) 驱车旅行 qūchē lǚxíng ; (car journey from A to B) 车程 chēchéng to go/come for a drive; 去/来开车兜风 to take sb for a drive; 开车带某人兜风 countable (path to house) 私人车道 sīrén chēdào Drive (in road names) 72 Queen's Drive 女王路72号 uncountable and countable Motor Vehicles, Mechanics, Technology 传动 chuándòng a belt/chain/fluid/electric drive 皮带/链条/液压/电传动 a car with right-/left-hand drive 右/左座驾驶汽车 he threw the car into drive 他猛地给汽车挂上挡 countable Computing [磁盘的] 驱动器 qūdòngqì countable Sport (hard, straight ball stroke) 抽球 chōuqiú ; (in golf) 发球 fāqiú an off drive (in cricket) 正手抽球 a strong forehand drive (in tennis) 有力的正手击球 he scored with a brilliant 25-yard drive (in football) 他在25码外踢进漂亮一球 a drive to the baseline/into the corner of the net 打到底线的/进网角的抽球 a drive off the tee 球座发球 countable (herding, chasing) (of animals) 驱赶 qūgǎn a grouse drive 围赶松鸡 countable Military 围攻 wéigōng countable (campaign, effort) 运动 yùndòng a drive to do/against/for/towards sth; 做/反对/争取/为某事的运动 a sales/charity drive 推销/慈善活动 an anti-sexism/-litter/-drugs drive 反性别歧视/反乱丢垃圾/反毒品运动 uncountable (motivation, energy) 干劲 gànjìn countable (instinct, need) 欲望 yùwàng a drive for/to do sth; 对某事物/做某事的欲望 to have a drive for perfection 追求完美 the drive to win 求胜的欲望 sex or sexual drive 性欲 countable British (gathering for game) 比赛 bǐsài a bingo/bridge/whist drive 宾戈牌/桥牌/惠斯特牌比赛 PHRASAL VERBS drive along A. transitive verb [drive sth along, drive along sth] «wind, current, tide» 把…卷走 bǎ… juǎnzǒu leaves, clouds, boatB. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles 沿路行驶 yánlù xíngshǐ drive at transitive verb [drive at sth] 意指 yì zhǐ I wish I knew what she was driving at 我真希望自己能明白她的意思 drive away: A. transitive verb [drive sth away, drive away sth] (be driver of) 开走 kāizǒu vehicle[drive sb away, drive away sb] (convey) 开车送走 kāichē sòngzǒu person[drive sb/sth away, drive away sb/sth] (repel) 赶走 gǎnzǒu [drive sth away, drive away sth] (get rid of) 消除 xiāochú doubts, fears, careB. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (drive vehicle away) 驱车离开 qūchē líkāi (be driven away) «vehicle» 开走 kāizǒu drive back A. transitive verb [drive sb/sth back, drive back sb/sth] (be driver of) 开回 kāihuí vehicle(convey) 开车送回 kāichē sònghuí person, passenger(force withdrawal of) 把…赶回 bǎ… gǎnhuí people, animalsB. intransitive verb 驱车返回 qūchē fǎnhuí drive down A. transitive verb [drive sth down, drive down sth] 压低 yādī interest rates, prices, inflationB. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (descend) 向下行驶 xiàng xià xíngshǐ (travel) (in a southerly direction) 驱车向南 qūchē xiàng nán ; (to a less important place) 驱车去小地方 qūchē qù xiǎodìfang they drove down to the countryside 他们开车去了乡下 drive forward intransitive verb «team» 推进 tuījìn drive in A. transitive verb [drive sth in, drive in sth] Motor Vehicles 把…开进去 bǎ… kāi jinqu vehicle(force in) 把…敲进去 bǎ… qiāo jinqu nail, stake; 把…拧进去 bǎ… nǐng jinqu boltB. intransitive verb (enter in vehicle) «driver» 开车进去 kāichē jinqu ; «passenger» 乘车进去 chéngchē jinqu (be driven in) «vehicle» 开进来 kāi jinlai drive off A. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (leave in vehicle) 驱车离去 qūchē líqù ; (be driven away) «vehicle» 开走 kāizǒu Sport (in golf) 发球 fāqiú B. transitive verb [drive sth/sb off, drive off sth/sb] (repel) 把…赶走 bǎ… gǎnzǒu drive on A. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (continue) 继续行驶 jìxù xíngshǐ (set off again) 重新上路 chóngxīn shànglù B. transitive verb [drive sb on, driveon sb] 激励 jīlì drive out A. transitive verb [drive sth out, drive out sth] Motor Vehicles 把…开出来 bǎ… kāi chilai vehicle(expel) 把…赶走 bǎ… gǎnzǒu people, animal, organizationto drive out evil spirits 驱邪 (dispel) 消除 xiāochú feeling, thought, memoryB. intransitive verb (depart in vehicle) 开车离开 kāichē líkāi (be driven out) «vehicle» 开出去 kāi chuqu drive over A. transitive verb [drive sb/sth over, drive over sb/sth] (be driver of) 把…开过去 bǎ… kāi guoqu vehicleto drive sth over to sth; 把…开到某处 vehicle(convey) 开车送…过去 kāichē sòng… guòqu person, goodsB. intransitive verb 开车过去 kāichē guòqu to drive over to sth; 开车去某处 drive round (mainly British): A. transitive verb [drive sth round, drive round sth] (be driver of) 把…开过去 bǎ… kāi guoqu vehicle[drive sb round, drive round sb] (convey) 开车送…过去 kāichē sòng… guòqu to drive sb round to sth; 开车送某人去某处 [drive sth round, drive round sth] Mechanics, Technology «mechanism, wind, water» 使…转动 shǐ… zhuǎndòng wheel, propellerB. intransitive verb (go in vehicle) 驱车过去 qūchē guòqu (go in circles) «driver» 开车兜圈子 kāichē dōu quānzi (be driven in circles) «vehicle» 兜圈子 dōu quānzi drive up A. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (ascend) 向上行驶 xiàng shàng xíngshǐ (arrive in vehicle) to drive up to sth; 驱车到达某处 qūchē dàodá mǒu chù (be driven) «vehicle» 到达停靠 dàodá tíngkào (travel) (in a northerly direction) 驱车向北 qūchē xiàng běi ; (to a more important place) 驱车去大地方 qūchē qù dàdìfang they drove up to London 他们驾车去了伦敦 B. transitive verb [drive sth up, drive up sth] 抬高 táigāo inflation; 提高 tígāo interest rates, wages




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