

词汇 drive up
drive up A. intransitive verb Motor Vehicles (ascend) 向上行驶 xiàng shàng xíngshǐ (arrive in vehicle) to drive up to sth; 驱车到达某处 qūchē dàodá mǒu chù (be driven) «vehicle» 到达停靠 dàodá tíngkào (travel) (in a northerly direction) 驱车向北 qūchē xiàng běi ; (to a more important place) 驱车去大地方 qūchē qù dàdìfang they drove up to London 他们驾车去了伦敦 B. transitive verb [drive sth up, drive up sth] 抬高 táigāo inflation; 提高 tígāo interest rates, wages




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