

词汇 index
index | BrE ˈɪndɛks, AmE ˈɪnˌdɛks | A. noun plural indexes or indices (in book) 索引 suǒyǐn (card catalogue) 卡片索引 kǎpiàn suǒyǐn (indication) 标志 biāozhì to be an index of sth; 是某事的指标 Economics, Finance 指数 zhǐshù cost-of-living index 生活成本指数 B. transitive verb (provide an index to) 为…编索引 wèi… biān suǒyǐn this book is badly indexed 这本书的索引很乱 (record in an index) 将…编入索引 jiāng… biānrù suǒyǐn terms, datato be indexed under sth; 在索引中被编入某条目下 Economics «government» 使…与指数挂钩 shǐ… yǔ zhǐshù guàgōu salaries, interest ratesto index sth to sth; 使某物与某物挂钩




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