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词汇 can
can1 | BrE kan,kən, AmE kæn | modal verb negative present tense cannot or informal can't past tense could negative past tense could not or informal couldn't (be possible) 可能 kěnéng he can't be more than 10 years old 他不会超过10岁 nothing could be simpler 没有比这更简单的了 as happy/excited as can or could be 高兴/兴奋得不得了 could be informal 也许吧 no can do informal 我不干 to do all/what one can 尽力而为 (be permitted to) 可以 kěyǐ ; (making offer, request) néng anyone can enrol 人人均可参加 we can’t wear jeans 我们不准穿牛仔裤 can I help you? 要我帮忙吗? can't you leave me alone? 你就不能让我清静点吗? could I interrupt? 能打断一下吗? (be capable of) huì ; (be in a position to) néng can he type/speak Chinese? 他会打汉字/说中文吗? I could drive a car before I left school 我中学没毕业就会开车了 I couldn't possibly accept the money 我不可能收下这笔钱 (be able to, using senses) [凭感官能力] 能够 nénggòu I can smell/see the ocean 我闻到了大海的气息/看到了大海 I can't hear/see (it) 我听不到/看不见(它) she can feel a lump in her breast 她摸到自己的乳房里有一个肿块 (indicating tendency) 有时会 yǒushí huì he can be quite abrupt 他有时很鲁莽 Italy can be hot in summer 意大利夏天有时很热 (be willing to) 愿意 yuànyì I couldn't leave the children 我不愿离开这些孩子 I cannot give up work 我不会放弃工作 (expressing emphasis) [表示强调] 究竟会 jiūjìng huì what can she possibly want? 她究竟想要什么呢? you can't be serious! 你不是当真吧! you can't have forgotten! 你怎么会忘了呢! they couldn't have been nicer 他们实在太好了 I couldn't agree more! 我非常赞同! (expressing reproach) 应该 yīnggāi [表示责备]they could have warned us 他们本该提醒我们的 you could at least say sorry! 你至少应该道个歉! how could you! 你怎么能这样! you can get lost! 你给我滚! if he doesn't like it, he can lump it 他就算不喜欢也得忍着 (expressing exasperation) 真想 zhēn xiǎng I could murder him! 我真想杀了他! (used to avoid repetition of verb) [用以避免动词重复]leave as soon as you can 你得尽快离开 can anyone give me a lift home? — we can 谁能让我搭车回家?──我们可以




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