

词汇 finely
finely | BrE ˈfʌɪnli, AmE ˈfaɪnli | adverb (excellently) 极好地 jí hǎo de a finely written book/speech 文笔优美的书/演讲稿 finely crafted 制作精美的 jewellery, objecta finely executed performance 精彩的演出 (into tiny pieces) 细小地 xìxiǎo de to chop up the meat finely 把肉剁细 finely chopped nuts 切得很细的坚果 (subtly, delicately) 精细地 jīngxì de finely shaped features 清秀的面容 a finely balanced argument figurative 不偏不倚的论点 (exactly, precisely) 准确地 zhǔnquè de a finely adjusted piece of apparatus 精确校准的器械 (beautifully) 华丽地 huálì de furnished, dressed




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