

词汇 hiss
hiss | BrE hɪs, AmE hɪs | A. transitive verb «audience, group» 对…发嘘声 duì… fā xūshēng actor, public figure, performancehe was hissed off the stage 他在嘘声中被轰下台 B. noun countable (of gas, snake) 嘶嘶声 sīsī shēng ; (showing disapproval) 嘘声 xūshēng uncountable and countable (on recording) 嘶嘶的摩擦声 sīsī de mócā shēng C. intransitive verb (make hissing sound) «gas, snake, cat» 发嘶嘶声 fā sīsī shēng ; «audience» 发嘘声 fā xūshēng to hiss at sb 朝某人发嘘声 (speak in menacing tone) 带嘘声说话 dài xūshēng shuōhuà ; (whisper loudly) 大声地耳语 dàshēng de ěryǔ




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