

词汇 generally
generally | BrE ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəli, AmE ˈdʒɛn(ə)rəli | adverb (usually) 一般地 yībān de generally (speaking) 一般来说 it's generally best to wait 一般来说,等待是最好的办法 he generally drives to work 他通常开车上班 (widely) 普遍地 pǔbiàn de a generally accepted definition of the term 这一术语被普遍接受的定义 the book is not generally available 此书不是随处都能买到的 (on the whole) 总体上 zǒngtǐ shang he's generally unwell at the moment 总体来看他目前身体状况欠佳 the quality is generally good 总体质量不错 she was dancing, drinking, and generally enjoying herself 她又跳舞又喝酒,总之玩得很高兴 I meant people generally 我是泛指大家 (in non-specific terms) 泛泛地 fànfàn de talk, speak, discuss




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