

词汇 generation
generation | BrE dʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n | noun countable (family group) 一代人 yī dài rén all three generations were present 三代人都到场了 a story handed down from generation to generation 世代流传的故事 countable (group of similar age) 同代人 tóng dài rén the younger/older/new generation 年轻一代人/老一辈人/新一代人 people of my generation 我这一代人 countable (period of time) 一代人的时间 yī dài rén de shíjiān [通常为30年左右]a generation ago 一代人以前 countable (in product development) 一代 yī dài uncountable (of electricity) 产生 chǎnshēng uncountable (of income) 带来 dàilái ; (of employment, wealth) 创造 chuàngzào




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