

词汇 conduct
conduct A. noun uncountable | BrE ˈkɒndʌkt, AmE ˈkɑnˌdəkt | (behaviour) 行为 xíngwéi code of conduct 行为规范 a medal for good conduct 优良表现勋章 (handling) 处理 chǔlǐ ; (of campaign, survey) 实施 shíshī ; (of business) 经营 jīngyíng B. transitive verb | BrE kənˈdʌkt, AmE kənˈdəkt | (lead) 为…做向导 wèi… zuò xiàngdǎo visitorshe conducted us around the house 她领我们在房子里转了转 (manage) 处理 chǔlǐ affairs; 安排 ānpái life; 经营 jīngyíng business; 进行 jìnxíng negotiations, survey, campaignto conduct an inquiry 进行调查 to conduct a case/defence 处理案件/进行辩护 Music 指挥 zhǐhuī choir, concertshe regularly conducts Mozart 她经常指挥演奏莫扎特作品 Electricity, Physics 传导 chuándǎo energy, electricitydoes water conduct heat well? 水的导热性好吗? C. intransitive verb | BrE kənˈdʌkt, AmE kənˈdəkt | 指挥 zhǐhuī he conducted from the piano 他通过钢琴来指挥 he went on a conducting course 他上了指挥课 D. to conduct oneself reflexive verb | BrE kənˈdʌkt, AmE kənˈdəkt | 表现 biǎoxiàn the government has conducted itself in the most shameful way 该政府的表现令人不齿 the little girl conducted herself like a perfect lady 这个小姑娘的举止像一位淑女




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