

词汇 half
half | BrE hɑːf, AmE hæf | A. noun plural halves (equal part) 一半 yībàn the top/left half 上/左半部分 to cut/tear/break sth in half 将某物切/撕/破成两半 to increase/cut by half 增加/削减一半 to go halves (with sb) (on sth) (share food) (与某人)平分(某物) (share expense) (与某人)平摊(某)费用 a … and a half informal (great) 棒极了 (big) 极大的… a meal/job and a half 丰盛可口的一餐/一件费时费力的工作 too clever/friendly etc. by half 过于聪明/友善等 not to do things or anything by halves 做任何事都不半途而废 she doesn't know the half of it informal 她不懂得最重要的方面 sb's better or other half informal humorous 某人的另一半 [指配偶]how the other half lives informal (richer) 富人如何生活 (poorer) 穷人如何生活 to give sb/sth half a chance 给某人/某事一点点机会 to have half a mind to do sth 可能会做某事 Mathematics 零点五 líng diǎn wǔ twelve and a half per cent 百分之十二点五 (in age) bàn two and a half 两岁半 Sport (period, area) 半场 bànchǎng the first/second half 上/下半场 Sport = half back British informal (bus fare) 半价票 bànjiàpiào (a) half to the station, please 请给我一张到车站的半价票 British informal (half pint) 半品脱 bàn pǐntuō two halves of bitter 两份半品脱的苦啤酒 B. adjective (50%) 一半的 yībàn de half the price/the size 一半的价格/尺寸 half a minute or second or moment informal 一会儿 (most of) 很大部分 hěn dà bùfen a woman half sb's age 一个小某人很多岁的女人 half the time/fun/trouble 大部分时间/主要乐趣/最大的麻烦 two and a half years old 两岁半 C. pronoun (50%) 一半 yībàn out of 30 students, only half passed 在30个学生之中,只有一半人及格 (a large number) 很大部分 hěn dà bùfen half of them can't even spell their names properly 他们当中很多人甚至不能正确拼写出自己的名字 D. adverb (50%) 有一半 yǒu yībàn to be half full/empty/over 满/空/过了一半 half as much/many 一半那么多 half as big/old 一半大/老的 half as much/big etc. again British, half again as much/big etc. US 原来数量/大小等的一倍半 to be half Italian 有一半意大利血统 (partly) 部分地 bùfen de half awake/asleep 睡眼惺忪/半睡半醒 to be half drowned/drunk 淹得半死/喝得半醉 half-cooked/-digested/-remembered 半熟的/未完全消化的/记忆不全的 to be only half listening 只是漫不经心地听着 (in time expressions) 半小时 bàn xiǎoshí half past four, informal half four 4点半 half past informal 半点 to run at half past the hour «buses» 每隔半点发车 E. not half adverb phrase (not nearly) 远非 yuǎn fēi the hole's not half deep enough 洞远远不够深 informal (not at all) 一点也不 yīdiǎn yě bù that hat doesn't look half bad 那顶帽子很漂亮 British informal (extremely) 非常 fēicháng it doesn't half stink! 它奇臭无比!




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