

词汇 hold
hold | BrE həʊld, AmE hoʊld | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle held (clasp in hand) 握着 wòzhe stick, gun; (clasp in arms) 抱着 bàozhe person, animalto hold a coin 攥住一枚硬币 to hold a pen 握笔 she held me by the sleeve 她抓住我的衣袖 (clasp in mouth) «person, animal» 咬住 yǎozhù ; «bird» 衔住 xiánzhù it held the worm in its beak 它用喙衔着小虫 the dog was holding a ball in its mouth 那条狗嘴里叼着一个球 (embrace) 拥抱 yōngbào to hold sb in one's arms 抱着某人 to hold each other tight 紧紧相拥 (use as support) 抓住 zhuāzhù handrail, branch (keep in place) 使保持不动 shǐ bǎochí bù dòng to hold sth in place or position 把某物固定住 to hold the door open/shut 把门开着/关着 to hold the camera steady 拿稳相机 to hold a ladder (for sb) (为某人)扶住梯子 to hold one's head forward/back 头向前探/头向后仰 to hold a knife to sb's throat 用刀抵着某人的喉咙 (grasp in pain) 捂住 wǔzhù head, stomachshe was holding her head 她抱着头 (support) 承受 chéngshòu weight, load; 承受…的重量 chéngshòu… de zhòngliàng person, object (restrain) 阻止 zǔzhǐ we held the thief 我们看住了小偷 there's no holding him/her figurative informal 他/她要大展宏图 (keep in check) = hold back A2 (detain) 扣留 kòuliú to hold suspects (for questioning) 拘留嫌犯(审讯) to hold sb prisoner/hostage 囚禁某人/把某人扣为人质 (contain) «box» 装着 zhuāngzhe valuables; (accommodate) «theatre, room» 容纳 róngnà spectators, peoplethe tank holds 5 litres 这个油箱能装5升汽油 the car holds five (people) 这辆车能坐下5个人 (possess) 持有 chíyǒu licence, passport, PhD; 拥有 yōngyǒu territory, titleto hold the record (for sth) 保持(某比赛的)纪录 to hold a fascination for sb 对某人有很大的吸引力 (consume without getting drunk) 能喝下 néng hēxia to hold one's drink or liquor 酒量很大 he can't hold his drink 他是一喝就醉 (occupy) 担任 dānrèn position, office; 掌握 zhǎngwò power (have charge of) 保管 bǎoguǎn document, money; «computer» 保存 bǎocún information (defend successfully) «army» 守住 shǒuzhù city, fort; «party, team» 保住 bǎozhù seat, title (have reserved) 保留 bǎoliú seat, booking (delay) 推迟 tuīchí flight (stop) 停止处理 tíngzhǐ chǔlǐ order; 暂缓 zànhuǎn phone call; 延后投递 yánhòu tóudì letterhold it! informal (wait) 等一下! (don't move) 别动! hold the onions informal (at restaurant) 不加洋葱 hold everything! informal 快停下! Music «player, instrument» 延长 yáncháng note, chord; «singer» 继续唱 jìxù chàng note, chorda minim is held for two beats 一个二分音符延续两拍 Telecommunications to hold the line 不挂断电话 bù guàduàn diànhuà Motor Vehicles to hold the road «vehicle» 抓地 zhuādì these tyres don't hold the road well in rain 这些轮胎在下雨天抓地性能差 (engage) 吸引 xīyǐn interest, attention Aviation, Nautical «ship, plane» 沿…航行 yán… hángxíng course (maintain) 保持 bǎochí lead, speed, pose; 守住 shǒuzhù positionto hold spending to £2 billion 使开支保持在20亿英镑 he held the class spellbound 他使全班学生听得入了神 (stage) 举行 jǔxíng meeting, talks; 举办 jǔbàn exhibition, party; 进行 jìnxíng election, enquiryto hold a service 做礼拜 to hold a conversation (with sb) (与某人)进行交谈 (be sure of) 坚持 jiānchí viewto hold the idea/opinion that … 认为… a firmly held belief 坚定的信念 formal (regard as) 认为 rènwéi to hold sb responsible (for sth) 认为某人应该(对某事物)负责 to hold sb/sth in high esteem or regard 非常尊重某人/高度重视某事物 she is held to be an expert 她被视为专家 (in tennis) to hold one's serve 保住发球局 bǎozhù fāqiújú B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle held (remain intact) «dam, shelf, rope» 支撑得住 zhīchēng de zhù ; «glue» 粘得牢 zhān de láo to hold fast «anchor» 牢牢地吃住不动 (continue) 保持不变 bǎochí bùbiàn to hold until tomorrow «weather» 持续到明天 his luck held 他一直走运 Telecommunications 等待 děngdài please hold a moment 请稍等 (be valid) 合乎逻辑 héhū luóji to hold true «theory, principle» (be true) 正确 (be valid) 适用 his argument doesn't hold 他的论点站不住脚 (remain available) «offer, promise» 有效 yǒuxiào to hold good 有效 yǒuxiào (be applicable) to hold for sb/sth; «rule, law» 适用于某人/某事物 shìyòng yú mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù (remain in place) 保持不动 bǎochí bù dòng hold still! 不要动! (hold on) 抓住 zhuāzhù hold tight! 抓紧! C. to hold oneself reflexive verb past tense, past participle held (physically) to hold oneself well 保持端正的姿势 bǎochí duānzhèng de zīshì to hold oneself upright 挺直身体 tǐngzhí shēntǐ (mentally) to hold oneself ready for sth 准备好做某事 zhǔnbèi hǎo zuò mǒu shì D. noun uncountable (grasp with hand) zhuā ; (grasp with arms) bào to get or take or lay hold of sb/sth 抓住某人/某物 to keep (a) hold of sb/sth 抓着某人/某物不放 to relax or release one's hold on sb/sth 放开某人/某物 to catch hold of sth as it falls 接住坠落的某物 countable (in wrestling) 擒拿法 qínnáfǎ to have sb in a hold 用擒拿法控制住某人 countable (in climbing) 支撑点 zhīchēngdiǎn uncountable figurative (control) 控制 kòngzhì to have a hold over or on sb 能左右某人 get a hold of yourself! 镇定一点! she needs to get a hold of herself 她该重新振作起来了 to take hold «epidemic, fear» 蔓延开来 «habit» 变得根深蒂固 biàn de gēn shēn dì gù to take hold of sb/sth «panic, urge» 完全控制某人/某事物 uncountable (possession) to get hold of sth 得到某物 dédào mǒu wù he got hold of another ticket 他又搞到了一张票 where did he get hold of that idea? 他怎么会有这样的想法? uncountable (contact) to get hold of sb (locate) 找到某人 zhǎodào mǒu rén (communicate with) 与某人联系上 yǔ mǒu rén liánxì shang uncountable (for hair) 定型力 dìngxínglì a long-lasting hold 持久定型 countable Aviation, Nautical (for storage) 货舱 huòcāng E. on hold adverb phrase Telecommunications 待接 dài jiē to put sb on hold 让某人等待 to put a call on hold 让电话待接 (postponed) 推迟 tuīchí to put sth on hold 暂停 plan, projectto put one's career on hold (to do sth) 中断事业(做某事) PHRASAL VERBS hold against: transitive verb [hold sth against sb] 因…降低对…的评价 yīn… jiàngdī duì… de píngjià I never held that against you 我从没有因为那件事而轻视你 hold back A. [hold back sb/sth, hold sb/sth back] transitive verb (restrain) 阻止 zǔzhǐ personto hold sb back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 to hold back a crowd 拦住人群 (keep in check) «wall, dam» 挡住 dǎngzhù animals, mob, water(keep in place) «person, clip» 固定 gùdìng hairfigurative (suppress) 抑制 yìzhì emotionsto hold back one's laughter/anger 忍住不笑/压住怒火 (block) 妨碍 fáng'ài to hold back the tide of reform 阻挡改革的浪潮 to be held back in one's career 在事业上受阻 (not reveal) 向某人隐瞒 xiàng mǒu rén yǐnmán information, truthto hold back the results of the investigation 对调查结果秘而不宣 she's holding something back from us 她有什么事瞒着我们 (not give) 扣住 kòuzhù payment, goodsB. [hold sb back] transitive verb (deter) 阻止 zǔzhǐ consideration for her held him back from saying what he really thought 考虑到她的感受,他没有说出自己的真实想法 C. intransitive verb 犹豫 yóuyù to hold back from signing a contract 犹豫着不签合约 I held back (hesitated) 我犹豫着 (waited) 我等着 hold down transitive verb [hold sb/sth down, hold down sb/sth] (keep from moving) to hold sb/sth down 按住 ànzhù to be held down with tacks 被大头钉钉住了 bèi dàtóudīng dìngzhù le (by pressing) 压住 yāzhù key, switch, lever; 踩住 cǎizhù pedal(keep level) 控制 kòngzhì prices, expense, number(have) yǒu job; (keep) 保住 bǎozhù jobto hold down two jobs at once 同时做两份工作 figurative (oppress) 压制 yāzhì a dictator who held his people down 压迫人民的独裁者 hold forth intransitive verb derogatory 夸夸其谈 kuākuā qí tán to hold forth on or about sth; 滔滔不绝地谈论某事物 hold in transitive verb [hold sth in, hold in sth] (pull in) 收缩 shōusuō to hold one's stomach/chest in 收腹/含胸 (restrain) 抑制 yìzhì emotions, temperto hold one's feelings in 克制感情 I couldn't hold in my anger 我压不住自己的怒火 hold off A. intransitive verb (not happen) «rain, snow» 不下 bù xià ; «winter» 不来临 bù láilín the storm held off until we got home 我们到家之后暴风雨才来 B. transitive verb [hold off sb/sth, hold sb/sth off] (repel) 抵挡住 dǐdǎng zhù attacker, attack(beat) 战胜 zhànshèng challenger, competitor; 赢得 yíngdé challenge(stall) 拖住 tuōzhù creditors, reportersto hold off doing sth (delay) 推迟做某事 tuīchí zuò mǒu shì we held off telling her for a few days 我们推迟了几天才告诉她 hold on A. intransitive verb (wait) 等待 děngdài hold on! let me get my breath back! 等一下!让我喘口气! hold on! I'll get him 稍等!我去叫他来 (grip) 抓牢 zhuāláo hold on tight! 抓紧! to hold on with both hands 双手抓紧 the dog held on (with its teeth) 这条狗(用牙齿)紧紧咬住不松口 (endure) 坚持 jiānchí hold on! Help is on its way 坚持住!救援马上就到 B. transitive verb [hold sth on] 固定 gùdìng to be held on with glue 用胶水粘住 hold on to transitive verb [hold on to sb/sth] (grip) 抓牢 zhuāláo to hold on to one's hat 按住帽子 hold on to the dog 把狗牵好 (keep) 保有 bǎoyǒu object, propertythis is worth holding on to 这值得保留 figurative (retain) 保持 bǎochí hope, dreams, positionto hold on to one's lead 保持领先 he held on to his belief that … 他坚持认为… (look after) 保管 bǎoguǎn money, keysto hold on to sth for sb; 为某人保管某物 hold out: A. transitive verb [hold out sth, hold sth out] (stretch out, offer) 伸出 shēnchū hand; 递出 dìchū objectto hold one's hand out for a cup 伸手去拿一个杯子 to hold out a cup to sb 递给某人一个杯子 [hold out sth, hold sth out] (retain) to hold out hope for sth 一直对某事物抱希望 yīzhí duì mǒu shìwù bào xīwàng I don't hold out much hope of them paying 我对他们付钱的事不抱多大希望 [hold out sth] (provide) 提供 tígōng chance; 带来 dàilái hopeto hold out the prospect of sth 使某事有可能 B. intransitive verb (last) «stocks, fuel» 维持 wéichí (resist) to hold out (against sb/sth); 抵抗 enemy, attack抵制 dǐzhì changes, reformto hold out against sb's threats 面对某人的威胁拒不妥协 hold out for transitive verb [hold out for sth] 坚持要求 jiānchí yāoqiú pay rise, better conditions, improved offerhold out on transitive verb [hold out on sb] informal 瞒着 mánzhe she's holding out on you! 她一直瞒着你! hold over transitive verb [hold sth over, hold over sth] (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí decision, programme(continue to show) 延长…的演出期 yáncháng… de yǎnchūqī play; 延长…的放映期 yáncháng… de fàngyìngqī film; 延长…的开放期 yáncháng… de kāifàngqī exhibitionthe show was held over for five more performances 这场表演又续演5场了 hold to transitive verb [hold to sth] (maintain) 坚持 jiānchí belief, principle, decisionto hold to one's promise 恪守诺言 [hold sb to sth] (make sb fulfil sth) 使履行 shǐ lǚxíng agreement, contracthe held her to her promise 他要求她恪守诺言 I'll hold you to that! 你要说话算话! hold together A. intransitive verb (not break) 保持完整 bǎochí wánzhěng this car is scarcely holding together 这辆车快要散架了 (remain united) «group» 保持团结 bǎochí tuánjié to hold together in times of crisis 在危难时刻团结一致 B. transitive verb [hold sth together] 使…保持完整 shǐ… bǎochí wánzhěng car, machine; 使…连在一起 shǐ… lián zài yīqǐ papers, piecesto be held together with a paper clip 用回形针别在一起 to hold the family together 使全家人凝聚在一起 hold up A. transitive verb [hold sth up, hold up sth] (support) 支撑 zhīchēng roof, tenther trousers were held up by a drawstring 她的裤子是用拉带系着的 (lift) 举起 jǔqǐ objecthold your hand up, hold up your hand 举手 hold your head up 把头抬起来 to hold up two fingers 竖起两根手指 to hold sb/sth up as sth (present) 将某人/某事物作为…举例 jiāng mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù zuòwéi… jǔlì to hold sb up as a model of good behaviour 拿某人作良好表现的榜样 to hold sb/sth up to ridicule/scorn 嘲笑/鄙视某人/某事物 cháoxiào/bǐshì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù (delay) 延误 yánwù departure; (obstruct) 拦住 lánzhù processionto hold up the traffic 阻碍交通 sorry we're late: we were held up 很抱歉我们迟到了:我们被耽搁了 (rob) [尤指持枪] 抢劫 qiǎngjié person, bankB. intransitive verb (remain intact) 保持完好 bǎochí wánhǎo the hut held up 小屋仍完好地矗立着 these shoes will not hold up much longer 这些鞋子穿不了太久了 (remain valid) «argument, theory» 站得住脚 zhàndezhù jiǎo his excuse didn't hold up under scrutiny 他的理由经不起推敲 (remain strong) «person» 保持健康 bǎochí jiànkāng ; «support» 依然有力 yīrán yǒulì ; «currency» 仍然坚挺 réngrán jiāntǐng the Labour vote held up well 工党的得票总数保持高态势 hold with transitive verb [hold with sth] 赞成 zànchéng idea, systemI don't hold with keeping animals in cages 我反对把动物关在笼内




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