

词汇 hold back
hold back A. [hold back sb/sth, hold sb/sth back] transitive verb (restrain) 阻止 zǔzhǐ personto hold sb back from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 to hold back a crowd 拦住人群 (keep in check) «wall, dam» 挡住 dǎngzhù animals, mob, water(keep in place) «person, clip» 固定 gùdìng hairfigurative (suppress) 抑制 yìzhì emotionsto hold back one's laughter/anger 忍住不笑/压住怒火 (block) 妨碍 fáng'ài to hold back the tide of reform 阻挡改革的浪潮 to be held back in one's career 在事业上受阻 (not reveal) 向某人隐瞒 xiàng mǒu rén yǐnmán information, truthto hold back the results of the investigation 对调查结果秘而不宣 she's holding something back from us 她有什么事瞒着我们 (not give) 扣住 kòuzhù payment, goodsB. [hold sb back] transitive verb (deter) 阻止 zǔzhǐ consideration for her held him back from saying what he really thought 考虑到她的感受,他没有说出自己的真实想法 C. intransitive verb 犹豫 yóuyù to hold back from signing a contract 犹豫着不签合约 I held back (hesitated) 我犹豫着 (waited) 我等着




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