

词汇 indulge
indulge | BrE ɪnˈdʌldʒ, AmE ɪnˈdəldʒ | A. transitive verb (spoil) 纵容 zòngróng children, lovershe was indulged as a child 她小时候被宠坏了 (satisfy) 满足 mǎnzú desire, curiosityto indulge a longing 满足愿望 B. intransitive verb informal (allow a pleasure) 沉溺 chénnì ; (allow drinking) 沉迷饮酒 chénmí yǐn jiǔ to indulge in sth/doing sth; 沉溺于某事/做某事 do you indulge? 你喜欢喝酒吗? C. to indulge oneself reflexive verb to indulge oneself with sth 尽情享受某事物 jìnqíng xiǎngshòu mǒu shìwù to indulge oneself by doing sth 尽情做某事 jìnqíng zuò mǒu shì




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