

词汇 confirm
confirm | BrE kənˈfəːm, AmE kənˈfərm | transitive verb (state as true) 证实 zhèngshí theory, news, suspicionto confirm that …; 证实… two people were confirmed dead 两人被证实死亡 to confirm receipt of 确认收到 cheque, goods‘yes, it's Tuesday,’he confirmed “对,今天是星期二,”他肯定说 (make definite) 确认 quèrèn appointment, reservation; 批准 pīzhǔn treatyto confirm sb as director 批准某人担任负责人 to confirm sb in office 批准某人上任 (justify) 巩固 gǒnggù authority, position; 加强 jiāqiáng opinion, resolve, emotion, doubther letter confirmed my resolve to go to Africa 她的信更坚定了我去非洲的决心 to confirm sb in their dislike of …/reluctance to …; 使某些人更确信自己不喜欢/不愿意… Religion 给…施坚信礼 gěi… shī jiānxìnlǐ person




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