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词汇 fire
fire | BrE ˈfʌɪə, AmE ˈfaɪ(ə)r | A. noun uncountable (element, state) huǒ to catch or be on fire 着火 to set fire to sth, to set sth on fire 点燃某物 to play with fire 玩火 my throat is on fire figurative 我的喉咙火辣辣的 to fight fire with fire figurative 以其人之道还治其人之身 countable (conflagration) 失火 shīhuǒ a fire started or broke out 发生了火灾 a forest fire 森林大火 to fight/put out a fire 救火/把火扑灭 to be damaged by fire 被火烧毁 fire! 着火啦! countable (for warmth) (indoors) 炉火 lúhuǒ ; (outdoors) 篝火 gōuhuǒ ; (for cooking) 灶火 zàohuo a log/coal fire 柴火/煤火 to lay the fire 准备生火 to build or make a fire 生火 to light a fire 点火 diǎnhuǒ in front of the roaring fire 在熊熊炉火前 countable (heater) 取暖器 qǔnuǎnqì to turn a fire on 打开暖气 an electric/a gas fire 电/煤气取暖器 uncountable Military (shots) 炮火 pàohuǒ ; (shooting) 射击 shèjī a burst of machine gun fire 一阵机枪射击 to open fire (on sb) (向某人)开火 to return (sb's) fire 回击(某人) to exchange fire 交火 to hold one's fire 停止射击 to be/come under fire (from sb) literal 遭到(某人的)炮火袭击 figurative 遭到(某人的)攻击 zāodào(mǒu rén de)gōngjī to be or get caught in the line of fire literal 处于射程之内 figurative 撞到枪口上 zhuàngdào qiāngkǒu shang to concentrate one's fire on sb figurative 集中全力抨击某人 to hang or hold fire 搁置 uncountable figurative (passion) 激情 jīqíng ; (anger) 愤怒 fènnù to be on fire with enthusiasm/love 激情满怀/为爱痴狂 to set the world on fire informal 引起轰动 he'll never set the world on fire with his paintings 他的画永远不会引起轰动 B. transitive verb Military kāi cannon; 发射 fāshè rocket, missile; 射出 shèchū bulletwho fired the first shot? 是谁开的第一枪? they fired their guns at the crowd/into the air 他们向人群开枪/朝天鸣枪 to fire a 21-gun salute 鸣放21响礼炮 to fire an arrow at sth 向某物射箭 figurative (shoot) 急速发出 jísù fāchū to fire questions at sb 向某人接二连三地提问 to fire remarks/insults at sb 对某人连珠炮似地说话/说侮辱的话 figurative (inspire) 激发 jīfā desire, enthusiasm; 使…充满激情 shǐ… chōngmǎn jīqíng personto fire one's imagination 激发想象力 to be fired with renewed enthusiasm for the project 重新燃起对这个项目的热情 (dismiss) 解雇 jiěgù to be fired (for sth) (因为某事)被开除 (heat) 点燃 diǎnrán kiln, furnace (bake) 烧制 shāozhì pot, glazeC. intransitive verb Military 射击 shèjī to fire at or on sb/sth; 向某人/某物射击 to fire into the air 朝天鸣枪 the gun wouldn't fire 这支枪打不响 fire! 开火! fire away! informal (speak) 说吧! (ask) 问吧! Motor Vehicles «engine» 点火 diǎnhuǒ to be firing on all cylinders literal 所有汽缸一起点火 figurative 全力以赴 quánlì yǐ fù PHRASAL VERBS fire off transitive verb [fire off sth, fire sth off] Military 射出 shèchū bullet; 发射 fāshè missileto fire off a few rounds 打几发子弹 figurative 连珠炮似地发出 liánzhūpào shìde fāchū questions, informationto fire off a letter/report 急速发出一封信/一份报告 to fire off names on a list 一口气念出名单上的名字 fire up: transitive verb [fire sb up, fire up sb] 使充满激情 shǐ chōngmǎn jīqíng to be all fired up 满怀热情 [fire sth up, fire up sth] 发动 fādòng engine




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