

词汇 conflict
conflict A. noun uncountable and countable | BrE ˈkɒnflɪkt, AmE ˈkɑnˌflɪkt | Military 战斗 zhàndòu (dispute) 争端 zhēngduān to be in/come into conflict (with …); (与…)有分歧/发生争执 to bring sb into conflict with sb/sth; 使某人与某人/某机构发生争执 his views brought him into conflict with the establishment 他的观点使他与当权派发生争执 (dilemma) 冲突 chōngtū a conflict of interests/loyalties 利益/效忠冲突 B. intransitive verb | BrE kənˈflɪkt, AmE kənˈflɪkt,ˈkɑnˌflɪkt | (contradict) to conflict with sth; «statement, judgement» 与某事物矛盾 yǔ mǒu shìwù máodùn (clash) 冲突 chōngtū to conflict with sth; «TV/radio programme, event» 与某事物冲突




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