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词汇 first
first | BrE fəːst, AmE fərst | A. adjective usually attributive (in sequence, placement) 第一的 dì-yī de ; (in time) 最早的 zuì zǎo de ; (initial) 最初的 zuìchū de it’s her first birthday 这是她1岁生日 on the first floor 在2楼 the first door on the right 右边的第一扇门 the first three pages 前三页 her first year at university 她上大学的头一年 the first symptoms of the disease 这种疾病的初起症状 one's first impression of sth 对某事物的第一印象 the first thing that comes to mind or into one's head 最先想到的事 in the first place (firstly) 首先 shǒuxiān (immediately) 一开始 (anyway) 无论如何 why didn't you phone the police in the first place? 你为什么不先报警? he shouldn't have left the door open in the first place 他根本就不应该让门开着 to make the first move 采取主动 the first time 第一次 dì-yī cì I warned him, not for the first time, that the current was very strong 我不止一次警告过他,水流很急 there's (got to be) a first time for everything 凡事都有第一次 to drink coffee first thing in the morning 一大早就喝咖啡 I'll do it first thing 我马上就做 usually attributive (most important) 最重要的 zuì zhòngyào de ; (top) 第一流的 dì-yīliú de my first duty 我的首要任务 my first choice 我的首选 to win first prize 获得一等奖 he was first, I was second 他第一名,我第二名 first-division football 足球甲级联赛 First Lord of the Admiralty 海军大臣 first things first 要事第一 to put first things first 先做要紧的事 attributive (in name, title) 一世 yī shì Henry the First of England 英王亨利一世 Arthur Wellesley, first Duke of Wellington 亚瑟韦尔兹利,惠灵顿公爵一世 (slightest) 最起码的 zuì qǐmǎ de not to know the first thing about sb/sth 对某人/某事一无所知 not to have the first idea what to do/where to go 完全不知道该做什么/该去哪里 B. adverb (before others) 最先 zuì xiān he left first 他第一个走了 you (go) first! 你先请! ladies first! 女士优先! women and children first 妇女和儿童优先 she got there first literal 她先到了 informal figurative 她抢先一步 tā qiǎngxiān yībù which comes first, A or B? A和B哪个在前? first come, first served (for service) 先来先接待 (to receive sth) 先到先得 to be born head first 出生时头先出来 I'll leave this house feet first figurative 我死了才会离开这栋房子 (at top of ranking, firstly) 第一 dì-yī to come or finish first 获得第一名 to come or place first (in a competition) (在比赛中)得第一名 his career comes first 他把事业放在第一位 to put sb/sth first figurative 首先考虑某人/某事 to be a mother first and an accountant second 首先是一位母亲,然后才是一名会计师 first and last informal 从各方面看 (in first position) 居第一位 jū dì-yī wèi (for the first time) 第一次 dì-yī cì the play was first performed in 1845 该剧的首次演出是在1845年 when did the symptoms first appear? 这些症状初次出现是什么时候? (to begin with) 首先 shǒuxiān first we must decide … 首先我们必须决定… first you say you like it, then you say you don't 你先是说喜欢它,然后又说不喜欢 first of all 首先 shǒuxiān (initially) 最初 zuìchū when we were first married 我们刚结婚时 to be first used as sth 最初用作某物 (rather) 宁可 nìngkě move? I'd die first! 搬家?我宁死也不搬! C. noun singular (first one) (in sequence) 第一 dì-yī I was the first to arrive 我第一个到 to be the first for 5 years 是5年来的第一个 Beethoven's first 贝多芬第一交响曲 (of date) the first 1日 1 rì the first of June, June the first 6月1日 6 yuè 1 rì (the beginning) 开始 kāishǐ at first 最初 zuìchū from the (very) first 从一开始 from first to last 自始至终 (notable event) 空前的成就 kōngqián de chéngjiù to be a first; 是创举 a first for the Australian team 澳大利亚队的历史最好成绩 Motor Vehicles 第一挡 dì-yī dǎng to be in first «car, driver» 挂头挡 British University 优等成绩 yōuděng chéngjì she got a first in physics 她获得物理一级优等学位




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