

词汇 confront
confront | BrE kənˈfrʌnt, AmE kənˈfrənt | transitive verb (face) 面对 miànduì to confront the truth 面对事实 the cases that confront lawyers 律师们面临的案子 figurative (challenge) 与…对证 yǔ… duìzhèng personin the witness box, the pathologist confronted her with his findings 证人席上的病理学家用他的发现向她发出质询 figurative (present itself to) «challenge, danger» 临到…头上 líndào… tóu shang personto be confronted by or with sth; 面临某事 (face up to) 大胆面对 dàdǎn miànduì you must learn to confront difficult situations 你必须学会勇敢地面对困难处境




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