

词汇 fit
fit2 | BrE fɪt, AmE fɪt | noun Medicine (attack) 发作 fāzuò ; (loss of consciousness) 昏厥 hūnjué to fall down in a fit 突然昏倒 to have an epileptic fit 癫痫发作 (burst of emotion, panic, etc.) 突发 tūfā a fit of coughing 一阵咳嗽 to do sth in a fit of rage 一怒之下做某事 she had a fit of panic 她感到一阵恐慌 to be in fits (of laughter) informal 大笑不止 to have or throw a (blue) fit informal 大发雷霆 by or in fits and starts 间歇地 to progress by fits and starts 时断时续地进行




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